
By: Fernanda Pires Botti

Grandpa grandfather HELPLESS grandparents
Grandpa grandfather HELPLESS grandparents
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Hi, my name is Daniel and I always spend the winter at my grandparents farm, but after what I’m going to tell you I don’t think you’ll ever want to go there and I’m going back, because I have a clue as to what’s going on.

When I was 12 years old, my cousin Jim and I were in the wheat field when we heard a noise and when we looked ahead we saw a pair of red eyes, we managed to get out of there and told my grandfather, he went to look for the creature, but came back. saying he hadn’t seen anything. In the middle of the night I woke up with a scream, I looked at the window and saw a creature that had pale skin, a body that resembled that of a deer but much thinner and with the bones of its face showing, it also seemed to be passing by 3 meters tall with ease, its smell of rotting flesh almost made me vomit, and I ended up fainting from the fright.

When I woke up it was still 3:33 in the morning, I heard a noise so I went to see what it was but I regretted it, because the same creature was in the corridor and only then did I realize that instead of hooves they were hands with claws. I ran back to my room and couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night. Early in the morning I took my bike and went cycling around the neighborhood; I noticed the existence of a blue house, it had several holes in it and seemed to be abandoned, I went in and saw things I didn’t want to see, for example I saw several skeletons and on the walls there was a red liquid that is now dry, there were also handprints ; I went up the stairs and the smell only got worse, it was almost night when the creature fell from the ceiling and looked at me, it was a close call but I managed to escape.

I went back there with my cousin and my grandfather, but the house was gone and there was a rag doll on top of a tree, my grandfather told us not to go near it, as the doll belonged to the previous owner of the house there, it was a blue house (the exact house I saw) We went home and pretended this never happened. 

Now, 3 years later, I returned to the farm because my grandfather died and my grandmother was afraid of staying in that house alone, it is winter again and after research I discovered that the creature was called a wendigo, the only way for it to die is by being burned. It’s night and my grandmother has just gone to sleep, I grabbed matches and alcohol; I went to the barn and poured alcohol on everything I saw, went back home and waited for the creature. I knew! He appeared! I made him run after me, I went to the barn and went to the highest part, I took the rest of the alcohol I still had and threw it at the creature, I lit the match and threw it at him, I jumped through a window in the barn and went back to home. My grandmother in her nightgown asked what happened to the barn and I explained what happened. The creature ran away but soon ended up falling; let’s go into the house. It’s the other day and the neighborhood came to see the lifeless body of the being, our place has never been haunted again and you must be wondering what happened to the body, right? I don’t know either, as soon as we went out to call the police the body was gone.

By: Fernanda Pires Botti

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