
By: Yaazh Nila V

Grandpa grandfather HELPLESS grandparents
Grandpa grandfather HELPLESS grandparents
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Dear Grandpa,

I hope you are happy and smiling in the sky. Even though I don’t remember much about you, I feel your love every time Appa tells me stories about you. He says you loved me more than anything and dreamed of seeing me grow big and strong.

Grandpa, I wish you were here with us. I imagine holding your hand as we walk to my school. I would show you my little achievements, like the stars my teacher gives me and the pictures I draw. I would sit on your lap and listen to your stories, just like how my friends do with their grandpas.

When I play on the swing, I close my eyes and imagine it’s you pushing me higher and higher. It feels like your love is in the wind, lifting me up and making me smile. Appa says you had the brightest smile, the kind that made everyone feel warm and happy. I try to smile like you because I know you would want me to.

Grandpa, I miss you so much. Sometimes, I look at the stars and wonder which one is you. Are you watching over me? Are you proud of me? I wish I could hug you just once and tell you how much I love you.

Even though you are far away, I feel you close to my heart. Please keep sending me your blessings, Grandpa. I promise to grow up into someone you’ll always be proud of.

With all my love,
Your Little Granddaughter

By: Yaazh Nila V

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