General Sherman (Giant Sequoia) World’s largest living organism.

By Gargee Bose

plant tree
plant tree
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The Giant Sequoia belongs to the part of Redwood family. Redwood family in fact is a subdivision of coniferous trees. Today only five percent of the indigenous Redwood trees continue to exist.


General Sherman is cited in the majestic forest of Sequoia National Park in U.S state of California. California is also known as Tulare country as it is named after lake Tulare, and similarly General Sherman tree is named after American civil war general William Tecumseh Sherman.


Sometime human beings express their obsession regarding Giants Man like HankPym, Wasp, Ant-Man, Ultron but their fascination ends up in reality. General Sherman, seems like the oldest, tallest, biggest and the greatest reality on Earth. For time being any other species failed to contest with General Sherman. It thus claimed the title of “World’s largest”.


It measures 103/31 meters and fly up 275 feet/84 meters into the blue Sierra sky and it is the largest living organism on the entire Earth based on volume. It weighs 1.9 million kg.


Over a very short duration they grow quickly and grow so large because they live for a very long period of time.


It is more than 3,000 years old.


The gigantic forests are well protected to ensure a source of entertainment for the future generation. As we all know that only a minimal amount of Redwood trees are left, the park system provided serious protection measure. The discussion among conservation group to save Rough and Redwood family fetched ample and unique opportunities to restore it. They also discussed about the threats that imposed their survival, such as extreme heat and fire, drought, wildfires and climatic changes. Beetles are a constant threat which requires both care and money to manage them. Once they are gone, are gone forever.

The leviathan is well protected as they are something incredible. It is something bigger than mystery and wonder. No dispute is lodged against this epic tree.


If anyone’s dreams are big then he/she should discover the mystery and fantabulous sights of the colossal forest of California where everlasting General Sherman tree is standing. Amidst the rocketing mountains, cavernous canyons and terrific rivers; General Sherman is the monster of all the monsters. It gigantic fellow men visit are like the subjects of King General Sherman. The Sequoia grove lay in a plateau between Marble Fork Kaweah river. To join the vacation trip to the most extraordinary Golden Route one should set up one’s mind to pay a visit to General Sherman where one can enjoy many more of California’s other National parks and some dazzling glimpse of California’s hidden beauty. Visitors are attracted mostly during summer. Easy access was also made to explore a wide variety of visitor’s centers, national forest permit stations and ranger stations.


The seeds of these trees are diminutive but grow more than 200 feet in height. We have come across many wonders of the world, which leads us to astonishment whereas sometimes we are spellbound but this natural wonder is a display to exceptional and humble mixture of beauty shoot up of nature.


The earth’s largest and longest living trees dwells in the heart of the giant forest. It was possible due to the austerity and heroic effort of JOHN MUIR, “the father of the national parks” advocated and preserved the forest as he saw the nature as his own home. Thus his conservation endeavor left us with sumptuous chance to stand before a magnificent giant and more than 8000 extremely large sequoia is standing contemptuously.


They are best suited to the soil moist but well- drained. The large root system penetrates deep need plenty of oxygen to survive.

The texture is somewhat fragile and for this reason it is not a productive lumber species.

Dry mountain breeze is a requisite for their cones to open and set free the seeds. The shallow roots absorb moisture very quickly from rain.


According to Nathan Stephenson, the biologist (working for U.S. geological survey) the giant sequoias shed half of the leaves and at a high risk of dying.

The water of Sierra Nevada is not sufficient to provide water to it as it suck up 500 to 800 gallons of water each day which is a necessity for its survival. The temperature is increasing day by day and they are struggling with severe drought condition.

Stephenson in such long years of his study never got any complain or report regarding its signs of stress. Unfortunately a year back his team observed that nearly three percent of the matured leaves turned brown. He called for several other biologists to investigate further, from Stratford university, university of California, the Carnegie institution, Berkeley and so on.

They were surprised to see that the water is reaching to the great height. The continuous warm climate, increases in temperature is the factual reason to put more stress on them. 


It does not matter whether one is young or old. We just need eyes to appreciate its spiritual nourishment, energy and wisdom.

The tree has much to teach us, if we are willing to learn. We can learn from the world’s iconic gem of beauty, the secrets of peace, oneness, growth and resurrection.

The wide tapering trunk, thick substantial spongy bark with boughs reflect every color of its glory and life force, which makes one forget everything.


It was built in the year 1928, which was designed by Gilbert Stanley, the eminent designer. It was converted to the natural history of big trees, meadows and an introduction to the visitors about the foremost attribute of giant forest from a market building. The parking lots can afford up to 240 vehicles. It is an impressive and instructive site for kids.

Through the exciting saunter one would discover the unknown facts about coastal redwoods and giant sequoia and contrast between the two and to reclaim the hidden story behind it.

Inside the museum the stories about the park evinced the usual mixture of obsession and manifestation. It is also a visitor center provides lot of interpretive information to the public, one can ask ranger question and can acquire ranger book and may obtain ranger badges when exploration and fulfilment of the requirement of the ranger book is completed.
Besides, Hazelwood areas and round Meadow are the attraction to be witnessed.

Beetle Rock Building is established which serves the educational purposes as it has classroom and auditorium.


In Lower Kaweah and areas around Round Meadow comfort stations were put. An unpaved lane were rebuilt to connect the museum and the big trees trail without spoiling the wildlife, natural vegetation, soil and natural drainage patterns. The tracks were reconstructed using board walk, bridges and so on.


General Sherman tree add to the beauty and grandeur of this entire park area which is enthralling. Over and above it is endowed with fascinating heavenly abode on earth. The superb sights, exquisite scenery is an embodiment of beauty and bounty of nature.  

By Gargee Bose, Baghbazar


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