By: Sayani Ghosh

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In today’s world, we live in a day and age where everything can be accessed through the click of a button. Starting from the utilitarian washing machines used in homes, to the very famous ‘television’ which displays an array of various riveting visuals— technology has come a long way.

In the past, scientists seemed to have had an impossible vision of developing a world where humans and technology could go hand in hand. However, with the advancements in science and technology in recent years, this dream is slowly seeming to come true.

One such brand new technological component on the rise is Artificial Intelligence or simply ‘AI’. To begin with, Artificial Intelligence is a technological innovation which allows computer systems to gain human like intelligence. Scientists and researchers alike have been working on this particular element for quite some while to enhance the quality of technology and make it easier for human beings to perceive it.

Although a new invention, AI has already proved to become an integral part of the tech world. Starting from displaying basic uses like analytics to carrying out impressive tasks like speech recognition, the new tech wonder has truly lived up to its hype!

One would think that AI is only capable of carrying out measly, binary coded computer tasks… however, that is definitely not the case. Artificial Intelligence includes natural language processing which helps to convert machine language as human like as possible for the convenience of the user.

In addition to that, AI also includes various protective mechanisms in cybersecurity which are often used in banks, offices, and schools to store and utilize confidential information and provides ways to ensure premium security. Finance, marketing, advertising, entertainment, E-commerce, and machine learning are only some of its uses to name a few. Overall, Artificial Intelligence is an extremely valuable resource as well as a very important steppingstone for the evolution of future industrial science and technology.

With a tool so powerful at disposal, it is evident that it is bound to bring changes to the lifestyle of human beings. AI in the medical field has been a boon to medical professionals worldwide. Faster and efficient disease detection and diagnosis, medical imaging, management of medical records and the most fascinating of them all— robot assisted surgeries, all of this has greatly impacted the way we perceive healthcare today.

Through these, computerised machineries are able to assist in long intricate medical procedures which humans have trouble carrying out normally. Moreover, AI in the education sector has tremendously impacted the way we see learning forever. These days, it is possible to construct 3-D models of objects using 3-D printing technology for the facilitation of better learning in classrooms.

‘Smart classes’ have also been employed in schools and colleges which display a variety of eye-catching visuals related to the lessons taught by teachers in order to make schooling a bit more fun and enjoyable.

Use of Artificial Intelligence in criminology is yet another proof of how much of an indispensable role it plays in today’s world. GPS tracking systems, data mining systems and biometric identification procedures are a few methods used under AI.

One is able to match the fingerprints of a culprit in mere seconds with the help of predictive analysis data in computers. Not only that, but it is also able to display past records of criminals and their entire bio data and history just with the click of a button which otherwise would be very difficult for officials to manage manually.

However, despite having so many advantages, Artificial Intelligence also has its pros and cons. As much as this technology has been helpful to mankind, it is important to realise that at the end of the day, nothing can be a true substitute for human labour and intelligence. One of the biggest disadvantages of AI has been the way it has been stealing people’s livelihood.

People in the publishing and journalism industry can barely find jobs as there are already automated AI writers ready to replace them. Musicians and artists in the entertainment industry are unemployed as this technology can reproduce and create new music and art which makes human made creativity look insignificant.

Other than this, AI is often times misused for malpractices such as generating fake photos and videos of politicians and celebrities online to spread false news or forging of official documents by fraudsters.

Overall, Artificial Intelligence has proved to be both a boon and a bane to humankind with its various uses and misuses. It is, therefore, extremely important for people to be aware about this potentially life changing technology and be cautious about it. 

Spreading awareness about this new technology and its capability to change the lifestyles of human beings can help us to direct this latest technology into a better direction and allow us to progress as a society.

By: Sayani Ghosh

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