From Connectivity to Controversy: Social Media’s Mixed Legacy

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Someone rightly said that don’t use social media to impress people but rather to impact people. Social media is beneficial and good until YOU use Social media but a dangerous problem if it uses YOU. We live in a society where posting pictures with Indian flag is more important on Independence day than actually participating in a event organised. Social media has become an integral part of modern life, fundamentally altering how we communicate, access information, and perceive the world. Its dual nature has sparked a debate about whether it serves as a boon or a bane to society.

The Bright Side

The infamous case of Kolkata Rape and Murder Case showcases the bright side of Social media. The 31 year old Moumita Debnath was raped and murdered the night of 9th August. This case when got in the news headlines showed what the spirit of unity, equality and feminism is. Most importantly, it was the people who used Social media in a way which was never expected. The way people tweeted and posted in favour of the victim represented about the frustration, agitation and the demand of justice among people. 

Lets get back into COVID times. The time where the globe was under the pandemic. How were we connected? Those were the times when we couldn’t even meet our loved ones. Wasn’t Social media the only way of communication? Many problems such as oxygen cylinder crisis and availability hospital bed were addressed through social media. People helped and were helped through it which made the pandemic a bit easier for all of us. The key point in the above case is that, as critics have pointed out, social media is not always a source of negativity; more often, it serves as a platform for positive outcomes. But are we sure about it?

2 Sides of a Coin…..

A coin always have 2 sides. But one should choose the alternative when the goods far outweigh it’s bads. Social media is a place where you can find almost everyone.

From teenagers to people in there 70s, almost all of them are there and you can connect to whosoever you want. According to a year 2021 Pew Research Center report, it is evident that 72% of U.S. adults use social media, with 81% of them using it to stay in touch with family and friends (Pew Research Center, 2021). These platforms facilitate maintaining relationships across distances that previously would have been challenging.

People always quote that social media has promoted interactions amongst people. But I ask, how real is this interaction. How is that we are able to easily forget the face to face interactions? Emotions, something which is unique about humans are no more than emoticons or emojis on social media. Social media is not the saviour but the destroyer of humanity.

Dark Side of Social Media

In a recent case of Delhi NCR, a teenager fell from 6th floor in a high rise society while making reels on Instagram. There have been reports of individuals getting injured while performing elaborate dance routines for reels, especially when they attempt risky stunts or dance in unsafe locations. These things are happening almost everyday, but it has just become so common that we often ignore them. 

When you sign yourself on any social media platform, you are no less than an open book. You sign a informal contract wherein all of your traces can be used for any purposes, even for a crime. Every single details of your is accessible through social media and still people defend social media as the most beautiful technological advancement. 

During the global COVID-19 pandemic, misinformation about the dangerous virus, treatments, vaccines, etc spread widely. For instance, false claims about miracle cures and vaccine side effects created confusion and hesitancy, hampering vaccination efforts. The World Health Organization even coined the term “infodemic” to describe the overwhelming spread of misinformation during the pandemic. I believe that before social media, the saying was “Think before you Act”. Certainly, under the influence of Social media it’s now ” Think before you post” ,” Think before you upload and Think before you tweet”.

Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat etc. are constant distractions. People especially teenagers are tempted to check these sites 20 to 30 times a day. Blue Whale Game, a name which itself was a nightmare for all during 2017s. This suicidal game have killed hundreds of teens causing a sense of fear among others. If it wasn’t for Social media that indirectly promoted its use, those teenagers would have been alive today.

Social Media’s use have always been questionable not only for the physical impacts but of mental impacts. Studies have linked extensive social media use with issues such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. The constant exposure to idealized images and lifestyles can lead to unrealistic comparisons and dissatisfaction with one’s own life. It is possible that somewhere a girl is trying to loose weight just because she has seen social media influencers doing so which may not be real as well. Pictures of people, especially girls, can be used on illegal website for anything. Additionally, the addictive nature of social media can contribute to decreased productivity and negatively impact personal and professional relationships.

Case : Jordan O’Brien (2017)

Another notable incident highlighting the dangers of social media occurred in 2017 with the case of a teenage girl named Jordan O’Brien, who was targeted in a cyberstalking and harassment campaign on Instagram.

A group of Jordan’s classmates at school used Instagram to spread false rumors, threats, and harassing messages towards her. The continuous cyberbullying involved violent threats and escalated when the harassers started to reach out to Jordan in person, causing her to feel unsafe in both the digital and physical world.

Jordan suffered from significant psychological distress due to the harassment, resulting in heightened levels of anxiety and depression. This is a testament on how social media can promote bullying, resulting in significant emotional and psychological impact.

Law enforcement and social media platforms played a crucial role in responding to the harassment and offering support to Jordan, highlighting the difficulties of addressing such issues in today’s digital era. This instance underscores the importance of improving protective measures and support systems for victims of online abuse. 

There are numerous of Jordans in our surrounding, but we often fail to acknowledge them. It’s failure of both technology and humankind that we are unable to use advancements for betterment.


In conclusion, Social Media’s legacy has been a one full of merits and demerits. While it is still questionable whether which ones outweigh, it’s also necessary to look on how people in the surrounding uses it and about the awareness regarding it. Remember: Social media can be a double-edged sword; it connects us to the world but can also sever our connection to reality, making us feel more isolated in the midst of virtual crowds.

By: Devanshi Singh

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