Freedom of Speech and Social Media Platform

By: Shailja Singh

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Essay On:

International Political Happenings in last ten years and its effect

Recently on April 14, 2022 world’s richest man Elon Musk with the income of $22,500 per minute, purchased the biggest social media platform Twitter in $44 million which is used by millions of users along with politicians, leaders and individuals from poor, center to most extravagant individual of the world. Is this right to buy it? And how it will affect the right of freedom of speech of an individual?

Significance of Right to Freedom of Speech

To know the significance of the right to freedom of speech, we initially need to be aware of, what is implied by social media stage? And why it is the matter of concern at the international politics?

Social media is a platform of the large virtual network where people interact with each other, share information, offer their viewpoints and have a conversation about various things through pictures, texts, posts and music etc. Everyone basically has a presence in at least one social media platform. For E.G. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Now, what is Freedom of speech?

Freedom of speech

The Freedom of speech is unreservedly of talk is a fundamental, essential freedom which offers a single chance for everyone to present their perspectives without oversight as demonstrated by article nineteenth of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. [ Treaty signed by 172 countries to respect and provide political and civil right to every individual with freedom of speech, freedom of life, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, electoral rights]. Right to freedom of speech must have to be in limit, that it must not harm other individuals human right, privacy and dignity. Different country has different laws for freedom of speech, but all shows to respect once’s freedom to express.

Now, what is freedom of speech in social media platform? Did the users of social media have right to express their thoughts? Why this is matter of concern in the international political matter?

Social media platforms just show post that they believe we should see and this is censorship. And this is matter of international politics because it is matter of every individual of every nation to secure their human rights.

Social Networking Platform

 Firstly, buying a such a large social networking platform is just a showoff of money, such a large networking sites must be under the governmental organization. Social media platform works under private companies, so it will be so easy for them to censored on the posts of the people, delete any tweet and ban any account which show harass reality about him or government because they don’t want to share that particular information to public. It is true that he buys it and it is his property, but it can’t because, he buys it when it has 229 million users so it will affect the rights of 229 million people.

After buying Twitter Elon Musk posted a tweet on the 26th of April in his twitter account that “By ‘free speech,’ I simply mean that which matches the law “I am against suppression that goes far beyond the law.” It was posted buy his side but what’s reality? He wants to give freedom of speech by the 1st amendment of US constitution which shows that “Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the assembly, the press, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”. But according to the first amendment, government must have to give freedom of speech to an individual, but private companies which are the owner of social media platform can censor any post or information because this rule is not implement for them.

It is true that there is a lot of hate speech, bulling, abuse and mental torture in social media and these accounts are banned by the authority with proper police investigation but because of few, we cannot take over others’ rights. Let’s take example of the famous personality of the world as a famous world leader who was the president of world power United States of America Mr. Donald Trump, his account got ban for 12 hours by twitter to stop any further violence because he twitted word “patriots”, for the people who are in the support of Donald Trump and creating fuss in white house. This shows that the freedom of speech has been violated and gets censored by private authorities.

Final Words

If an individual does not get his freedom of speech and to express and get ban on his social media account, it can affect the image of an individual among the world which he made with his hard work and dedication and harass them mentally.

By: Shailja Singh

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