Five Ultimate Guide To Keep The Swimming Pool Clean This Summer

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There are six seasons in total, and one of them is summer. What comes first when you think of the summer season? It could be late chill summer nights, watermelon, sunbath near the beach sides, etc. people who have a swimming pool in their home are blessed because they can spend their summer in their pool. Having a pool means you can organize cool pool pirates and host many other activities.

You will agree that having a pool means it will be the centrepiece of your home. But are you keeping that centrepiece clean, too, just like you keep your indoor home clean? Here we list some points for you to keep your swimming pool clean this summer. So dive deep into the article to keep your pool clean this summer.          

Primary And Ultimate Ways To Keep Your Pool Clean This Season

There are many infections and allergies from a dirty swimming pool. Yes, it takes time to clean an entire pool, but you can make it fun and quick with some easy techniques. Also, cleaning your pool will increase its life and cost less during maintenance. So read the below points and keep yourself and your pool healthy.


Remove The Floating Substance

You can not stop the flow of wind and what it brings to your pool, but you can clean your pool daily. Removing debris and other floating substance from the swimming pool will make you clean it less frequently.

So you can use your skimmer net by attaching it to a long telescopic pole that can sweep it all over your pool and remove whatever is floating on the surface. When the net is filled with all the materials, you want to remove, shake the debris and empty it on the ground. Repeat the process till you manually clean the entire pool. If you skim your pool water daily, you can prevent the debris from sinking into the bottom of the pool.   

Brush Your Walls   

After removing all the floating debris, the next step is to scrub your pool walls. It is necessary because there might be a lot of dirt sticking to the pool wall, along with other residue chemicals and potential algae that may grow inside your pool. Ensure there is no tight space left that may allow algae to grow. This process is fun because it does not take much time, and you will find it quite satisfying, scrubbing all the dirt and present algae.      

Cleaning The Floor 

You removed everything from the surface and scrubbed out the walls; now it’s time to clean the floor. Attach your vacuum head at the top of the telescopic pole and remove debris from the bottom. At first, you need to eliminate air from your system, lower the vacuum to the pool’s surface, and push the end of the hose to the jet. At first, some bubbles will form, but then it stops means your vacuum is all ready to use.

When you collect all the debris, then you can remove the basket. Once you are done with the cleaning, you can use the filtration system in case you missed anything. While reading about this process, you might think about where you can find a good swimming pool cleaning kit; well, try the Intex pool vacuum kit; it is one of its kind and gives the best performance.     

Clean Your Filer 

It is among the most crucial steps in order to clean a swimming pool. If you are thinking about why it is so important to clean the filter, then it is because your pool won’t circulate water effectively if the filter gets clogged. Before knowing how often you should clean your filter, you should know what type of filter your pool contain. There are mainly three types of filters present, Cartridge Filter, sand filter and DE filter. Note that each filter has a different cleaning mechanism and cleaning method, so it is instructed to read the manufacturer’s instructions before you start to clean.    


Do Not Forget To Clean The Deck.

You are done with the major part if you followed the abovementioned processes. Now do not forget to clean your pool from the outside. The deck is the part where you sit most of the time and think yourself about how your pool looks if you forgot to clean your deck. Obviously, it will look hell dirty, so do not leave the work half done and mop it well. This is the last step regarding cleaning your pool. Now, as you are done with it, you can simply enjoy your time inside your pool while sipping your favourite mocktail. 

In Short:

Who doesn’t like hygiene? That should be your first reason to clean your pool regularly. Cleaning your pool will increase your pool’s life and save you money from the heavy maintenance fees. If you want to maintain your pool even better, you can also take care of your pool’s chemical balance and add the required chemicals. Follow the points mentioned earlier, and you will save your skin from multiple skin allergies or rashes and can prevent various kinds of diseases that are due by dirty pool water.  

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