Know more about Fast Food, Fermented food and Balanced Food

By J. Jebalin Josco

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Food is a basic need for all living organisms, Humans history has evolved a long way from making wheels to cars, messengers to the Internet, etc. But food is the only most precious thing in the world that does not change to the likes of evolution, but the pattern of eating has changed over different timelines. The modern world we are living in is the fast-food era. The pressure of the digital world has pushed humans towards fast food. But there are still some people who stick to balanced meals in this stressful world.

Science behind foods

Anything that satisfies our hunger is considered food. Food has different forms; juices, solid foods, raw foods, cooked foods, etc. Food enters into the mouth in a complex form, so it undergoes mastication I.e. the process of grinding the food into finer particles with help of teeth, while also mixing them with salivary secretions to form a bolus, after being formed into a bolus it travels to the stomach by peristalsis process, in the stomach it is further deconstructed into simple form by gastric juices, these simple form compounds then enter into the small intestine for absorption of nutrients, the contents left are further reabsorbed in the large intestine and the end product is sent out in the form of feces.

The process may be the same for all type of foods but, the problem arises in the number of nutrients and chemical compounds present. To cite an example, high carbohydrate foods increase the body’s demand for insulin, thereby increasing hunger. Hence, leading to eating more than normal through catering service hong kong.

The difference in the quality of health

Balanced food is nutritious due to its presence of all essential nutrients required for the body in the right proportion.

On the other hand, Fast foods are unhealthy due to the increased amount of; carbohydrates, sugar, salt, saturated fats, trans-fat, calories, and lowered levels in; fibers, nutrients, antioxidants. Thus, having minimally required contents in high amounts while lacking the necessary nutrients within them. This creates health conditions and diseases. Such as; high hunger and insulin secretion, obesity, hypertension, cardiac complaints, and other related diseases.

Why are fast foods preferred more?

Fast foods are preferred more than normal nutritious meals because of being more convenient for mass production, quick to prepare, and delicious but, a balanced meal is packed with the right quantity and quality for meeting the nutritional needs of a person.

Balanced meal

A balanced meal means providing the body with the required macronutrients and micronutrients i.e. carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and all other essential nutrients in the right proportion only when you feel the hunger to meet the body’s nutritional requirement.

The food pyramid explains a person’s normal daily intake. It includes; 6 to 11 servings of cereals, 3 to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, 2 to 3 servings of poultry, meat, fish, and nuts, fats and oils must be used very little and sparingly. Here, PUFA (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids) is preferred more while avoiding saturated and trans-fats, eating fruits and vegetables in raw or semi-cooked form, avoiding packaged foods, and taking more of seasonal fruits and foods.

Thus, these foods avoid accumulation and aid in the depletion of fat and carcinogens away from the body. This pattern may be increased or decreased based on needs in children, pregnant and lactating women, diseased conditions, or while under medication.

Fast foods

Fast foods began their reign at the start of the industrial revolution, other influencing factors include, food scarcity due to world war-II, women entering the working firm and economic boom in developed countries, leading people to live in a hurry, thereby making more people move towards hotels and also enjoy luxury with their money.

The problem arose when people made eating fast foods a routine habit. This has resulted in people becoming prone to lifestyle and systemic disorders over the past 100 years, which has significantly increased in number since the last decade.

Is a balanced meal healthier than fast food?

Yes, balanced meals are healthier than fast foods, to prove this situation, the present coronavirus condition has been proven to be countered by eating a balanced and immune-boosting type of foods in the initial stages itself, while fast foods are the source for lowering immunity and a path of welcoming diseases.

“Eat to live and don’t live to eat”

Thus, both types of foods are necessary to be healthy and to live in this speedy world. But, a better state of health can be attained by taking more balanced foods and fewer amounts of fast food.

By J. Jebalin Josco

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