Essential Dos and Don’ts During Labour Pain

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Pregnancy is the happiest thing a woman experiences in her life. Giving birth is an exciting and difficult procedure that cannot be avoided. You should make many preparations to welcome the infant into the world while your body has been nurturing the kid growing inside your womb. 

Gaining control over handling labor pain can empower you and make the process go as smoothly and positively as possible. By visiting the best gynecologist in Bangalore, you can clearly understand your labor process.  Here mentioned are the dos and don’ts during labor pain:

Different Stages of Labor:

There are three different stages of labor. The whole birthing process can take several hours, and it usually gets shorter with the number of pregnancies one has. 

Stage: 1

Stage 1 consists of two phases: latent labor and active labor. The first phase of the latent labor period begins with mild contractions while the cervix softens and opens. During the active labor phase, contractions will become more frequent and uncomfortable.

Stage: 2

The transition to stage 2 occurs after the cervix has fully dilated to 10 cm, the ideal size for the baby’s head to pass through. Stage two will be shorter than stage one. However, it will be unpleasant because the birthing process begins at this stage of labor. Contractions will last longer, with shorter intervals between them.  During this stage, the pregnant mother is encouraged to start pushing the baby out. 

Stage: 3

You will almost certainly have a profound sense of relief with the birth of your child. The baby can be carried in your arms or carried on your stomach. Accept the situation as it is. There is still more work to be done. At this stage, your placenta will be delivered. Your healthcare professional will examine your placenta and do the final stitches. 

Things To Do in Labor:

  • Use Breathing Techniques in Practice:

Deep breathing practices are essential for controlling labor discomfort. Regulated breathing reduces tension, maintains oxygen flow to the mother and child, and aids physical relaxation. During contractions, focused breathing can help you stay calm and lessen your sense of discomfort.

  • Massage: 

You can search online for the best gynecologist in Bangalore to find the best hospital for your labor. During labor, ask the support person to give you a short massage as a diversion. Stimulating the affected area can lessen pain signals to the brain. When the contractions become more intense later in the process, move from massaging the head to the lower back.

  • Practice The Visualization in Advance:

Envision the process of labor and delivery. Imagine yourself in a place you love, perhaps by a lake, with the cold wind and the warm sun on your face. Imagine the beach under your toes. Some people may even visualize their cervix opening up like a blooming flower when the contractions start. This may make it easier to maintain attention. 

  • Change your Movement:

Movement can lessen spasms from contractions. Walking, swaying, kneeling, or sitting on a birthing ball can use gravity to aid in the baby’s descent. Repositioning yourself periodically can also help labor go more easily and with less discomfort.

Things to Avoid in Labor:

  • Being Anxiety:

Anxiety and fear can amplify pain perception, which complicates labor. To maintain your composure, focus on breathing, let go of your muscles, and have faith in the process. Your body is made to manage labor; it is a natural occurrence. Contractions may hurt worse if you are stressed or anxious about what will happen next.

  • Not Paying Attention to Your Body’s Signals:

Throughout labor, your body will alert you when you need to rest, drink more water, or even see a doctor. Don’t disregard your body’s instincts. Instead, trust them. Notify your healthcare professional immediately if you sense something is odd or the pain worsens. It is essential to pick the best gynecologist in Bangalore for better treatment. 

  • Don’t Rush the Process:

 Every woman’s labor is different and progresses at a different rate. You should not feel pressure and rush the process. Let your body take its natural course, and have faith that labor will advance when your baby is ready. Rushing might result in weariness and needless tension.

  • Not Thinking Positively:

Because of the potency of the mind-body link, optimism can significantly impact how you feel during labor. Though the agony of labor is great, you may get through it by maintaining an optimistic attitude and concentrating on the final result of meeting your baby. Find helpful friends, music, or affirmations to surround yourself with words of encouragement.

Bottom Line:

Keep in mind that each labor is unique. Sparsh is the best gynecology hospital in Bangalore. They offer the best quality treatment. By understanding the dos and don’ts of labor pain management outlined in the points mentioned above, pregnant women can improve their comfort, reduce anxiety, and possibly reduce some of the hazards connected with labor. Have a happy labor! 

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