Essay Writing Competition

By: Pragyan Chakravarty

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An essay writing competition, as benign as it is, can often transmogrify itself into a jaw clenching, claw twirling proverbial bane if its tried to be brought about in a manner empty of planning. The enduring legacy of such a competition requires a mountainous level of fastidiousness to honor and anything short of it is bound to wreak disaster.

Ever witnessed a storm brewing so quickly you lose all semblance of sense and control, where clouds drain their agony in a burst of fury whilst the sky crackles under its own weight? It does provoke a lot of thought on why something as empyreal and mighty as the sky couldn’t bear the might of its own endeavour and ended up spiralling down its own ambitions into a muddy pit or tragedy

The eyes takeaway that the sky was perhaps overconfident while the mind takes away that it’s lack of understanding of its own pedigree engendered its failure, raining is something which the sky barely has to exert itself to bring about and yet sometimes cracks build along its might and give way to a collapse under its weight.

Maybe this is telling enough that everything requires a plan, from the amount of toothpaste one puts on their brush to the amount of detergent in the wash. It is only wise that plans accompany everything that’s readied and are followed to the proverbial T to avoid anything that can function as untoward.

To conduct one successfully, the organisers have to walk the acreage of infinity and harvest a share of topics that can be metastasized into scintillating colossi by the erudite writers. The topics have to be relevant to a greater theme and functioning as a tempting blueprint to enact their intellect about. If the topics are devoid of the sheen of intrigue, expect only to attract writers with bleak pens and monochrome minds. The topics set the foundation for the edifice of erudition to be building upon and without a robust one, even the most industrious mason will fall to their knees in surrender.

Next up, the astute organisers must assemble a lineup of qualified and enthusiastic experts who possess a joyous panache for reading and writing to judge the entries provided by the enterprising writers. The judges have to come to terms with their obligation to scour each and every inch of the composition to pronounce a numero uno from amongst the contenders, the organisers must edify the judges of the rubrics as vividly as they can to avoid any erroneous misjudgements.

With that out of the way, the establishment of an attractive prize goes a long distance in helping the ever burgeoning appetite for laurels in the youth, tempting prizes will ensure that even people who are sceptical of themselves will have a go just to have a chance at the rewards offered. 

There have been uncountable instances where an unattractive prize has played spoilsport on a fairly exotic competition; sad as it is, prestige simply isn’t enough in the present day to have an appeal if not backed up by a significant incentive.

One can put it in a brusque manner and say that money makes the world go round but the axis which supports the rotation is made of a thousand different chunks of trust and dependability, the organisers have to make the writers feel comfortable that they’re not going for anything over the top nor below the belt.

The competition has to be marketed appropriately and endorsed by another reliable organisation, or a person who commands influence. The basis of the competition should be easy to wrap one’s head around and not have anything that’s not part of a greater theme. Preferably, to boost engagement, the competition should be conducted during festivals or any occasions of national/international importance in order to have more people on their feet about the whole occasion whilst bringing about more focused attention to the festival at hand.

To bring about the opportunities is up to fate and to make the most of it is of our own accord, it is easy to brush luck under the rug and say one didn’t try enough but upon looking deeply, it becomes fairly obvious that luck is a significant, if not determining, player in the game.

It is not to say that one’s efforts are cornered and at luck’s mercy, however, best efforts should be all one should aim for or nothing at all to pull oneself out from the pit of trepidation. In an essay, the pen has to be the one taking a page out of the book of valour and putting it on a piece of paper for the famished mind to devour.

By: Pragyan Chakravarty

Write and Win: Participate in Creative writing Contest & International Essay Contest and win fabulous prizes.


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