Essay on Women Empowerment

By: Simran Bhati

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On 22 February, a lockout took place at factory on the right Bank of river Neva at Petrograd. The next day workers in 50 factories called a strike in sympathy. In many factories women lead to strike this came to be known as “International Women Day” on 23 February during the courses of Russian Revolution. It marked important transition in history of women empowerment.

The women empowerment was and now remain peremptory for the population. Present situation push is the fact of educating young ones about women and how they can be empowered. One approach is to write essay on women empowerment so that research and writing simultaneously increases the understanding and vitality of women empowerment especially at school level.

Picture is more transparent now because we need to comprehend what a good woman empowerment essay looks like. Beginning with an efficacious title posing a brief expression about women empowerment. For example “Rising women participation in local government”. The title places a fractional description about the increment of number of women in politics i.e. it implicitly traces the path of women empowerment in political world.

A title can include a negative aspect or negative factor. On exemplary basis “ why does the participation of women in defense sector is low?”. Here all limiting (negative factor) towards women participation in defense sector is written. It  doesn’t matter whether the topic forwards positive or negative aspect but should throw strong implication on reader.

While ascending towards introduction of essay initiate the same with a captivating quote centered towards women empowerment or more suitably quoted by a woman. The wife of erstwhile American President Mr. Barack Obama, Michelle Obama quoted “there is no limit to what we as women, can accomplish” create a strong and influencing view in the gaze of reader. Draw your perception about women and their contribution in each sector endorsing role of women in modern world. Exemplify with two or more prominent women about their achievements.

Each paragraph of body can be allocated different facet of women empowerment. But initial one must contain comprehensive definition of women empowerment. Definition by an appropriate organization can be sighted. Likewise European Institute for Gender Equality—established by European Union in 2007 and oriented towards gender equality, defines it as “process by which women gain power and control over their own life and acquire the ability to make strategic choices”.

The next consecutive paragraph can identify section of women requiring immediate intervention. Without any ambiguity every girl or woman are on the board where they need to be empowered but there are some section were focus is more critical. Statistical data to verify the following concern is required. Gender inequalities leads to women suffering more of the effect of hunger and poverty.

Some facts validating above statement can be incorporated like it is estimated that 60% of chronically hungry people are women and girls according to World Food Programme—food assistance arm of United Nations. Justifying with factual data intensifies severity of issue you are presenting in your essay or more explicitly it corroborate your piece of text.

Transcending to other paragraph, show the areas where situation is catastrophic picturing a formidable future for girls. If written generally describe global distribution of such areas and if nationally elaborate the nation specific areas. It is obvious phenomenon that disparities in the treatment of women is pervasive. Scandinavian nation like Finland and Iceland top at women’s well being while Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen are at bottom.

Moreover, your mentioning of such extreme fact about countries must be backed by index or report of well established, authenticated and internationally recognized organization. On regional context cite about regional variations. National Family Health Survey (NFHS) (2015-16)—survey conducted by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, projects Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh fall greatly behind goal of women empowerment. Such data can easily be taken from websites of Indian ministries, but never forget to give credit for sources studied and mentioned.

Other imperative piece can entail various excruciating challenges faced by women. On context of uniqueness try to acknowledge their challenges rather than ubiquitous one. It fulfills notion of making awareness among population about problem faced by women in current scenario. Seek the examples Trauma-Centered feminism ; not receiving salary and respect for caregiving work; lack of congenial rights; digital gender divide ; period poverty and stigma so on. Introducing society with more complex and rare issues faced by women thrusts considerable pressure on readers mind and society for searching and finding measures to mitigate them.

Explaining the ways of how this empowerment can be achieved is inevitable. Give detailed note of various schemes and programs of government currently dedicated towards aforementioned thought. It caters to two inferences firstly will give glance of various initiative run by government to women readers and secondary deals with question of how women empowerment can be achieved.

The task of writing every scheme is impractical but chunk of them can be enlisted. Different ministries of Indian government together run several schemes viz. Beti bachao Beti Padhao, Women Helpline Centre, Ujjawala, Nirbhaya etc. Enlist the numeric value of beneficiaries that received assistance from government oriented scheme to enhance trust of people in government triggering the adoption and maximum reach of such welfare measure to people. It will convey the reader a positive outlook towards mitigation of challenges faced by women.

Coming at conclusion, it should contain summarization of diplomatic analysis i.e. maintaining balance between issues of women omnipresent in our surroundings and significant progress made towards lessening of it. Your conclusion can leave a question for the society to relook in their  respective ambience to address how they could indulge themselves in act of realizing the goal of women empowerment or any other such question that writer feels is convenient.

By: Simran Bhati

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