Debate: Should the Law be Broken If You Believe the Law is Not Justifiable to You?

By: Raunak Jha

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“Chaos was the law of nature; Order was the dream of man. ———— Henry Adams”

In a free country the biggest problem has been to convince people. In each and every aspect, there is requirement for clarification from the concerned authority. But the fact is that, there are some topics which are destined to be in conflicting situation.

If we consider law, then it is also a very argumentative topic. If we look or observe closely then there are almost three kinds of cases for law. In the first case, there are people who follow the law. In the second case there are scenarios, when people do not follow law. Finally, in the third case there are people who try to go out of the way in a scenario and break the law, but within some moral limit. In all the three cases, the law is at the core. Whether we like it or not, the law needs to be present in a democracy, in order to make it properly functional.

But the real challenge arises when the new generations question us. They sometimes do raise questions on the validity and the effectiveness of the law. At that moment, our instinct also questions the purpose of these rules and regulations. The word “Law” does have some meaning. But that meaning sometimes becomes a topic of discussion for some people.

A nation can be governed only if the law is properly implemented. But we as humans have a tendency to take some of the things a bit lightly. For example, if a court announces a new law to be valid in the society. Then the very immediate thought in some people’s minds is the fact that who is going to look for the culprits who break the law. Yes, it can be true in some cases as India is a big country. But this is not the case all the times.

At times, it is the responsibility of all the citizens of the country that any new law which is implemented, is obeyed properly. Secondly, the news related to any new law should also be widely spread. It will help people in realizing the true extent to which any new law is implemented and its working facts.

Now, lets come to the fact that why some laws have been created and forgotten. If we consider some laws, then there are various sections in the constitution. Under those sections there are various articles. And in those articles, there are various facts which have been created and never looked at. This also needs to stop, if we need to stop the disrespect to the constitution.

There is also a reason due to which various laws are being neglected. The reason is, there are various laws which need to be changed or altered a bit. This is because after independence we have come a long way. And on the way some laws have become obsolete.

There is some procedure through which a new law is being created. There is a long process through which a file has to go, before it is given a final nod for implementation. The painful permit process needs to be reduced a bit.

Now, there is also a point which needs to be considered. If we take a look at the book of law, then there also needs to be some flexibility. Flexibility in the sense, that some laws if followed in a different way, then the concerned people should not be questioned much. But the care must be taken that the ‘out of the way’ process should also have some moral limits.

The law should also be taken as a tool which is there for the benefit of us. If we try to break it or take it lightly, then there must be some agent or social informer which can direct us on the right path. Then, there also needs to be some more academic sources which can teach students during the school days that, laws are not merely few sentences in a book. They are meant for our own good and welfare of the society.

Lastly, if the law is not justifiable then we should try to find out the real reason behind such laws. There are some laws which have been created to strengthen the existing laws. In a way, the laws are also made in order to fill the loop holes of the previous laws. In the end, it’s up to us that we should obey all the laws. Ultimately, laws are there to make our own society progressive in every aspect with equality.

By: Raunak Jha

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