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“Ask not what your country can do for you — rather ask yourself what you can do for your country.”- JOHN F KENEDDY

From our mesmerizing landscapes to our rich heritage, from unique culture and diverse history to joyful festivals, India is a gorgeous amalgamation of traditions, languages, people and their way of living. Being a multi-cultural, multi-lingual and multi-religious society, India has been called as the golden sparrow which always believed in “Unity in Diversity“

It is a mystique melting pot of vibrating diversity where each state from Jammu and Kashmir to Kanyakumari specialise in their specific ethics, traditions, languages, folksongs, dance, attires , identities and cuisines.

India’s age old unique and incredible civilization speaks of unity is strength where the Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Muslims, Jains, Christians, Jews, Parses etc., live together in harmony, trust, love and brotherhood. It takes it pride from its 1.3 billion citizens who can have different perspective about life, religion, economy, politics, and yet belong to one nation, Bharat.

India is a secular country which boasts about its constitution that guarantees all its citizens the freedom of faith, right to freedom of expression, right to speak different languages and livelihood. India’s great historical heritage signifies its dynamism and optimism.

India’s cultural strength and political unity makes it the world’s largest democracy. Belief in spirituality, conscience and tradition are the important virtues. The leaders of the Indian freedom struggle Mahatma Gandhi, Pt Jawaharlal Nehru, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad and Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel united made the fight for freedom a success.

With the world’s second-largest population belonging to various ethnic groups, the greatest virtue of Indian culture has been its power to tolerate against challenges. Despite the invasions and rule by the Britishers, the oneness of the whole nation despite its diverse caste and race stood with its moral and spiritual values that strengthened India’s struggle and forced the British Empire to free India from their captivity.

We have “RAM” in RAMZAN and “ALI” in DIWALI. How can religion divide us?

The difference in opinion, way of life, faith and religion is its strength and pride not weakness.

North East India comprising of 7 contiguous states also known as Seven Sister States of India is the most unexplored and a treasured paradise with a myriad of vibrating cultural diversity, tribal traditions, folksongs, mind boggling music, folkdances, traditional practices and cuisines.

The dynamic land often depicted as “mini India” set in the lap of Mother Nature where the sun scatters its first ray of light. It is called as the Land of Rising Sun. The heavenly abode is covered with snow capped mountains, hills, sub tropical forest, serene valleys with natural resources, flora and fauna and is inhabited by many major tribes and about hundred sub tribes with distinct languages, traditions and identity.

The sister states are developing in a fast pace in all aspects despite the challenges faced with the advent of modernity. It has traversed a long and arduous journey and has seen developments in road transportation, electrification, education, tourism, agriculture, horticulture, forestry, hydropower, herbal medicines and of course, human resources. The journey of a glorious future has begun with hopes, aspirations and optimism with the help of central and state government.

The people friendly and people centric state government under the dynamic, enthusiastic, and visionary leadership has embarked upon on a truly path breaking and ambitious development projects which symbolizes a unique example of ‘unity in diversity’.

“If you make cities more efficient, you make the world more sustainable.”

Are we, the citizens, not responsible for the betterment of our own country?

The simplified definition is an act of simple living with high thinking and intent on not harming environment and preventing as much harm from occurring to the environment. It is far beyond just good urban planning or stricter codes or just turning off lights or proper garbage recycling – it’s about changing the mindset of how we live.

Though none of the universally accepted definition exists, the various goals include environmental impact per person, renewability, public transport, green spaces and recycling programs that are ambitious yet attainable if done with regular progress reports.


Swacch Bharat, the cleanliness drive program, Initiated by our Honourable Prime Minister, aims to make India clean by 2nd of October 2019 marking the 150th birth anniversary of Bapu with mantra of “NA GANDAGI KARENGE, NA KARNE DENGE” (neither litter nor let others litter) has evoked a massive change in the country’s outlook and citizen’s attitude.

“Sanitation is more important than independence. I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” – Gandhiji

  • Devote 100 hours per year (2 hours per week) to voluntary work for cleanliness following the path of Shri Narendra Modi and ensuring others to devote too.
  • Use of ‘SWACHHATA’ app, a GOI initiative and portals like The Digital India campaign, ‘’ and Chai Pe Charcha for addressing the Civic-related issue using our smart phone.
  • A mandatory Percentage of the city should be allotted for plantation.
  • Bio friendly mobile toilets should be made at important junctions like bus stops, parks n markets.
  • Making education Smart through e-attendance, e-homework, e-Syllabus targeting paper free n bagless education.
  • School should add Green Practices as a subject encouraging habits like planting trees, using Bicycle and motivating people regarding solid and liquid waste management.


The dream of a ‘Green Prosperous India’ relies heavily on the focus on “education for sustainability and not about sustainability”.

  • Environmental green initiatives and camps like “Each one, plant one”, CLEAN-India, Namami Ganga Plan, Ralley for Rivers, and youth forums like Youth ki Awaz should be implemented.
  • Organising events and intercollegiate competitions in schools and colleges with posters, slogans and informative skits to inform them in a more engaging way rather than through textbooks.
  • Promotion of such events in social media and Raahgiri with observation of Earth Day and Environment Day.


Broader connectivity, social media, technology and instant communication has made the world a global village. This offers an accountable platform for sharing, identifying and challenging the existing powers and exposing the barriers to change.

  • The government services like The Digital India campaign, portals such as ‘’, Chai Pe Charcha has helped in educating the older generation.
  • Smarter towns can help in developing smarter villages by e- services selling their Organic vegetables, handicrafts items (Veggie Cart)
  • Building of free wifi hotspot places at multiple locations in the town.


Every citizen wants a good quality, cheap, fast and pollution free transportation.

  • The sustainable public transportation system by city buses, trams and metro rails should use CNG in their vehicles.
  •  The public bicycle system that is easy to use yet very healthy should be encouraged.
  • A stringent rule should be made to use public transport at least 3/4 days a week.
  • Extra green credits and wages to employees using cycles or green bikes must be given.
  • Implementation of road, rail and air connectivity in the state


Every city generates a million of e-Waste like discarded TV, Computer, Smartphone, battery etc posing threat to human health.

  • Recycling and reusing in an ecofriendly way without harming our ecosystem should be establised.
  • Smart sorting techniques of Degradable, Recyclable n Totally Waste items to prevent time and cost.
  • Gas supply should be supplied in pipelines and not cylinders.


The state government has identified the natural resources. So it is necessary to implement successful programmes to harness the natural resources .

  • The local government should target for establishing solar panels in every household making solar energy as the chief source of energy.
  • Solar Power Panels should replace Mobile telecom towers run by Diesel Generators and must be made far from Hospitals, Schools etc
  • Power supply cables should be made underground avoiding accidents, minimising space and reducing costs of installation and making the city look spacious and Wire free.

At indivisual level : Charity begins at home

  • Keeping own house and surroundings clean by using dustbins and planting trees around the house.
  • Awareness regarding use of toilets for defecation
  • Personal hygiene by hand washing and discouraging spitting.
  • Donating extra food without wasting it.
  • Avoiding non biodegradable products or plastic.
  • Using Public transportation.
  • Teach Children about Cleanliness and Sanitation.

The citizens should be more willing and active to extend full cooperation to the state government

“We have all resources at our disposal. With the coming up of road, rail, air and digital connectivity, the road ahead is open,”

Together the citizens can do wonders. Definitely the forgotten north east India can be transformed to a land of opportunities and it will become the most advanced state in near future.

United India is where- 

Poverty and Illiteracy are history,

Education becomes the priority

Agriculture and Health work in symphony,

Women and Children live in harmony,

Wildlife, Heritage and Technology live with integrity



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