Kim Marz: The Story of the Detective Who Came Back from...
Kim Marz spent her childhood in a world where law enforcement was always around. During his time as a detective, his father...
Should I be held responsible for what I believe?
Should I be held responsible for what I believe?
“You become what you believe, not what you think or...
Finding Inspiration in Everyday Life
Inspiration is like a burst of positive energy that powers your thoughts and actions. It's like a spark that ignites your creativity...
A Mysterious Antique shop Island
A Mysterious Antique shop Island
There far away there was mysterious island where there was an antique shop which...
Look Again
look againLook at those glimmering orbs,glazed like galaxies in an unending space.Look at those glittering lips,curving up like a cresent moon on...
Can AI Think Like Us?
AI is everywhere these days, just like the internet was when it first became a big deal. When OpenAI launched ChatGPT, it got everyone buzzing...
From Layers to Language
From Layers to Language
It began in the ‘50s, a glimmer, a spark—
Perceptrons blinking in...