Can a Product Owner be a Product Manager?

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Product owners are generally tasked with prioritizing the product backlog and deciding which features to develop next. Product managers manage the entire product on behalf of the company. This includes everything from product strategy to defining the customer experience and marketing strategy.

The debate of product owner vs. product manager is classic. A lot of confusion revolves around the responsibilities associated with the two roles. Several factors determine the responsibilities of a product owner and product manager. The factors include the following:

  • How well-established the product is
  • The size of the company
  • The company structure
  • The application of Scrum and Agile practices
  • Vision or philosophy of the company

People wishing to pursue a career in product management often wonder whether a product owner can be a product manager. Before answering that question, let’s start with the basic difference between the two job roles.

Product Owner

Product owner is a misnomer because being a product owner does not mean you own the product. Instead, a product owner is supposed to maximize the value of a product from the Development team. The term comes from the Scrum framework used to create and support complex products.

Scrum requires a system of tasks and needs to keep score with product management tools or software. The product owner is an integral part of the Scrum team. They will have specific duties to carry out within the organization. A product owner usually has a narrow focus while working with the development team.

The product owner fits into the team by prioritizing tasks for workers and engineers. To keep everything running smoothly, product owners need to maintain a list. It ensures that engineers know the appropriate tasks to work on for creating the ultimate end product.

Duties of a Product Owner

A product owner remains responsible for the product backlog. It means that they are supposed to perform a few actionable tasks. It can include anything from adding new features, modifying existing features, to fixing bugs. All the actionable tasks by a product manager ensure that the organization can achieve a certain product outcome.

The tasks of a product owner encompass everything that an agile team is supposed to work on. The task of a product owner is in no way insignificant. The backlog grooming or refinement is substantial for producing a developed product. The product owner ensures that the product development process follows the appropriate roadmap.

It can be said that a product owner grooms the development team. But apart from grooming, some other responsibilities of a product owner are as follows:

  • They need to pay attention to customers. It helps them turn customers’ problems and complaints into user stories. They prioritize the stories while taking care of the product backlog.
  • They build and set priorities in the production process. It ensures that the product team knows the importance of each step. Therefore, the production process is carried out in chronological order.
  • The product owner needs to be present at all team meetings. They often interact with internal stakeholders like the scrum master. It helps them ensure that the product development process is carried out following the right roadmap.
  • They serve as a key communication link between the development team and the customers. The product owner represents the voice of customers.
  • They need to offer constructive feedback on the ratified product roadmap. It is a communication link between the product owner and the product manager.

Product Manager

The product manager determines and prioritizes what needs to be built. After one product is developed, they move on to the next one. They keep the team moving in this way. They are responsible for looking at the big picture and driving a product to success. They often lead a cross-functional team to work on a product and improve its features.

The role of a product manager is organizational. It involves outlining a strategic roadmap for a product or a line of products. The role of a product manager might vary slightly from one company to another. They often need to work with the project manager, project owner, and other team members. Collaboration is valuable for a successful product launch.

A product manager needs basic business understanding to succeed in the role. They should know how to handle profits, budgeting, and cash flow. An understanding of technological resources is also quite helpful for the role. But most importantly, product managers need prioritization skills. They should be able to move a product through its lifecycle smoothly.

Duties of a Product Manager

A product manager is supposed to supervise the entire product lifecycle. They need to step in during the early steps of product development. They are also required during the product launch and delivery. Product managers drive the product strategy formulated per customer needs and market research.

A product manager speaks for the end-user. They must lead the process of converting a high-level idea into a solid product for use. Product managers define the product development process’s why, what, and when. Some specific responsibilities of a product manager are as follows:

  • They research how users leverage a product.
  • They figure out what product features are required.
  • Product managers check customer feedback to gain insight into what works and doesn’t.
  • They formulate a strategy focusing on a long-term vision.
  • They keep a product roadmap to keep the product team on the same page.
  • Product managers also determine the additional features required on an existing product.
  • They start creating and delivering features that customers demand.
  • Product managers advocate for the product team, partners, and stakeholders. It ensures that everyone in the team remains aligned around the strategy.

Wrapping up

Someone who starts as a product owner can gradually climb the ladder of a product manager. While some organizations need product managers and owners, some can do with only one. What a company needs is determined by the desired product outcome.

But enrolling in a professional course to lead a product throughout its lifecycle is necessary for both the roles. A professional course will help you achieve maximum project ROI whether you wish to become a product manager or owner.

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