Buying A Gift For That Difficult Someone

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There’s one in every family, that relative who you just love, but who is incredibly difficult to please when the holidays or their birthday rolls around, they are just plain hard to shop for! Oh, they are completely polite when they open your gift, and they thank you very kindly for going to all the trouble, but you can just tell that you haven’t pleased them, not even a little, it’s maddening. Is it that they already have everything they want, or is it that they want for nothing? Either way, you have to give them something or look like a cheapskate, but what? How can you possibly please this finicky person? Well, by hook or by crook we have some ideas to help you!

Gift Vouchers – OK, so you can’t pick something out that will please them, let them pick it out for themselves! You can find lots of great gift vouchers online, just hand it to them and tell them to have fun doing their own darn shopping! 

Coffee – They do drink coffee, don’t they? Almost everyone does, but you had better check first. We are now introducing an important rule of thumb for this gift-giving adventure, it’s hard to turn your nose up at something useful! Buy your difficult person a gift box full of delicious fancy coffee beans, then don’t wait for them to put it away on a shelf, brew them up a nice hot cup of it for them right now so they can experience the aroma and delicious bitter taste right before your eyes! You might even get a smile out of them for this one!

Booze – This, like the coffee, will depend on whether they drink it or not. If they don’t drink then skip this, but if they do, this is your chance to win a round! Find out what their favourite tipple is, be it wine, beer, liqueur, or the hard stuff. Pay a visit before the party to do some sneaking around the kitchen to see what they have in their liquor cabinet. Now here’s the trick – most average people just keep the cheap stuff around the house, or maybe middle grade, so you need to splurge and give them something that is unequivocally Top Shelf! No one is going to roll their eyes at a bottle of the good stuff! Another way to go at this is to simply invite them out to a bar, see what their first order is, then tell the bartender to go to the high shelf for the next round you are buying them. Happy Birthday, or whatever!

Wool Socks – We used to complain when we got them instead of toys when we were kids, but now they don’t seem so bad. A nice pair of quality wool socks probably isn’t going to delight them in the way you may wish, but at least they will be useful and keep their feet warm, never a bad thing! 

Well, we hope this helps! Once the gift-giving portion is done you can make a pot of coffee and give yourself a gift by pouring a shot of booze into your cup! 

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