Bright and Dark side of social media: Digital Contradictions

By: Vaishnvi shahi

patriarchy social Misinformation Through Media Social
patriarchy social Misinformation Through Media Social
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Social media refers to online platforms and technologies that allows users to create, engage and share connect as well as connect to the world around , these platforms have transformed the life of people , these platforms have become the  important part of peoples day to day life , the consumption of information and building of communities are now depended on social media.

On Social Media, we scroll through others’ lives faster than we live our own life.

Types of Social media

  • Social Networking sites- The platforms like Facebook, whatsapp , LinkedIn help people to communicate and connect with friends, family and professionals worldwide.
  • Media Sharing Networks- The platforms like Youtube , Instagram and tiktok focuses on sharing content like images, videos and other multimedia content. People also earn on these platforms by posting content.
  • Discussions Forums- Sites like Reddit and Quora helps the users ask questions and share information about various topics. On these sites people clear their doubt regarding various topics.
  • Blogging and Publishing Platforms- It helps in process of creating Articles, photos , and other forms of content and publishing them on a website, It helps the writer to create new articles.
  • Messaging Apps- Whatsapp , Messenger  and Telegram  which are used for private or group messaging and also to connect to the people.

Impact on Society-

  • Communication- Social media has made it easier and faster to communicate with others globally , It helps to connect to the people and has made communication very simple. With the use of social media people from one corner of the world comes to know what is happening in lives of people of another corner.
  • Information Spread- It provides the latest news trends and information spread rapidly on social media often bypassing traditional media. The information from the one corner of the world reaches to another in just a second. It has made the reach of the imformation very quick.
  • Marketing –  The business use social media for marketing of their brands and the advertising of their products and for customer engagement . Digital Marketing has helped the business to grow a lot. With the help of marketing they make the customer know about their product easily.
  • Social Movement- Social media has been a critical tool for organizing and promoting social movement because today social media has important role in everyones life , it is a voice of many people.
  • Mental Health –Social media help people to get connected to the world it contribute the people to be mindful and get aware of everything happening around the world.

Social media is a lot just more than a blogging or marketing platform it has become the part of life , the reach of social media is far and high , it goes beyond from impressing to influencing people.

‘Every coin has two faces’

As social media is connecting the people to the outer world but at the same time it is disconnecting people in family nowadays people get so much envolved in using these applications that they forget to give time to their kids and their loved ones. It causes the problem of online vs reality , More time spent on social media can lead to cyberbullying ,social anxiety , depression lack of self confidence and many order things like exposure to the content that is not age appropriate .

It also decreases the productivity of individual as they are engage in watching the content available they do not  work more physically leading to many health problem including issues of eyesight, pain in lower back bone . Social media sometimes becomes the addiction for people like they can’t live without using them and sometimes this addiction also lead to financial loss because of cyber fraud people loose their hard earnings and saving.

Social media can be a boon if it is used correctly as many people use their skill of content creation and they are living their life as dream into reality but at the same time it can be a bane leading to individuals downfall if it is not used properly watching the content that is suitable for  you and not viewing to the age restricted content.

People need to limit the use social media they should set duration for using their mobile phone and using social media . It is good to be connected to the world and know what is happening  around but not at sake of disconnecting with the people with whom you live and compromising with your mental and physical health.

“Social media is the world’s largest stage, where everyone is both an actor and an audience , yet the script is written by algorithms.”

By: Vaishnvi shahi

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