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We all tend to frequently read our text books and story books and books by Ruskin Bond, Sudha Murthy, Enid Blyton, Agatha Christie, Roald Dahl etc which are often interesting with a lucid language. This seems fun to us. But what if I talk about the Bhagavad Gita? Yes I know….. The most common answer will be,”It would be a too tough book to understand for us, children. We won’t be able to crack the shlokas also, then what’s the worth of reading it?” And I too completely agree with it but I have a solution to that. It’s ‘Gita- For Children’ by author Roopa Pai!

It’s an extraordinary Gita designed specially for the children in a complete lucid language to understand every shloka, each of its words & syllable with the meanings properly. The Gita is actually an holy text of the Hindus which is a part of the great Mahabharat. The whole book is a conversation between the greatest archer in the world and an eager learner, Arjuna & the supreme lord and the greatest teacher, Shri Krishna. This conversation took place right before the starting of the great war at Kurukshetra, in the middle of the battlefield.

Through Gita we come to know the complete conversation where lord Krishna himself cracked all the mysteries of human life to Arjuna. He gives the ultimate key to a blissful life and reveals the fact that the actual goal of all the humans should be to become one with the supreme god or Krishna himself. And the explains all the possible ways to do so. We can easily relate the words of Sri Krishna with our daily life and hence grab each of the thoughts well. Gita isn’t only for the religious, spiritual or those believe in gods but for all of them who wish to get an aid to this harsh life to live in happiness and realise the utmost aim of our life.

I would recommend this book to everyone irrespective of any differences & divisions, to those who want to know the truth of their life. Though this version of Gita is specially for children between 6-15 years but of course others can also learn the valuable lessons of life by Shri Krishna through Gita. I’m sure you would like this book just like me & it would remain as your forever companion throughout the journey of your life.


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