Biggest Crises Faced By Humanity and Modern Era

By: Sravya

Trend Humanity Understanding Human Psychology
Trend Humanity Understanding Human Psychology
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Every country in this world is developed, and some are developing countries. The world looks beautiful with its structure. Every country is updated with its own special features. It shows development and enhancement. This must be done only by human beings. Earlier in the world, there were many countries that did not have basic needs for living. People changed everything with their thoughts, which they could implement in every aspect of the country. Slowly, people stopped thinking of ideas to enhance more; only a few people increased their ideas. It becomes the main problem for more development. The biggest crisis facing humanity in this modern era is a lack of thinking about success and achievements. 

Many people have developed by themselves. The main reason for our achievement is to believe in ourselves. Now a days, it is decreasing in people. When we believe in ourselves, we can do everything. 

Every idea can do wonders in daily life. Every idea gives us motivation to do something in life. Ideas are nothing but thoughts, which run daily in our minds and are unstoppable. Thoughts must be positive; you should not think negative thoughts, which will drain you. Good and positive thoughts make a person successful, unless he becomes a dreadful person. Everybody is full of ideas; those must be implemented by everyone in their lives to become successful. Some people may not become successful due to financial and economic issues, but others do not utilize their opportunities to achieve something. 

Youth play a prominent role. Anyone may become a cricketer, scientist, doctor, etc. When they can implement their own ideas. People may have ideas, but their parents may not encourage them. We also should learn from great people in India, like 

Mahendra Singh Dhoni, the cricketer, had been working hard for his dream since childhood. He never stops practicing, even when his father scolds him. He left his job to achieve his dream. He was a successful person and cricketer. He believes in himself. 

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam is everyone’s greatest inspiration; everyone should learn from him how to behave with others, to set goals, and to achieve them. He is also called the Missile Man of India. He has worked hard since his childhood to become a scientist. He achieved his dream. He played an important role in ISRO and also as president. His background was worse, but he did something in life. He dreamt that believing in himself makes a successful person.

Not only these crises, but also women are facing many problems. Still, they are facing problems like child marriages and have also suffered from other activities. In some areas, women were discouraged by their family and friends, even though they were talented. Many children who were forcefully married to elders even felt uncomfortable with them due to their parents. Some of the women did great jobs and achieved something in life. It is important to support others to be successful.

 Let us understand this with one small story:

Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived in a small village named Janaki. She was a good child and also helped others. She loved to study; she studied up to the tenth standard in her village. Having three children, her family members wanted to stop her studies. But her father encouraged her. She went to town for her higher education. After her studies, she started working in the same town for a small job.

Later, she was married to a person named Sravan. After their marriage, they went to another town. Sravan helped her get a job in a new place. She thought that he was a good person and would always understand her. But he was totally reversed by her expectations. He always made her cry. He also started drinking alcohol and never worked for their livelihood. She only worked for their food. Studies gave her her own livelihood.

After two years, she gave birth to a little girl. Her husband was also happy for his child, but she did not like to communicate about her child with him. Later, he understood everything and also changed himself into a good person because of his girl child. Sravan started earning money for his family. They had become a happy family. After three years, he died of health issues. Now she was the only person in her life, and she was a child. She worked hard in the office with her small child. She became a successful person in her family. She earned money and also bought a new house. Janaki earned great respect in their family.

This is a short story about the ‘Value of Education’ and ‘Believe in Ourselves’. These two are the most important in everyone’s life. When we dream of something, we have to do it. We should not give others a chance to shame us.

In the past, present, or future, every person facing the biggest crises believes in themselves and does not know the value of education. We can do everything, even if it is impossible.

Make good plans.

Do good things.

Lead a happy life.

 Prioritize your own wishes.

Live as a successful person. 

Janaki believed in herself, so she made her life beautiful.

Let’s start believing in us…..

By: Sravya

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