Better World Better Life

By: Edsa Afifah

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As humans who are inseparable from their environment, we are required to be able to maintain, care for, and preserve the environment so that it is always well maintained. According to Rahayu (2016) the notion of a healthy environment is something that includes mental, physical and social health that is free from impurities, including dust, garbage and odors. Cleanliness is a human effort to protect themselves and their environment from all that is dirty in order to realize environmental health.

Everything that starts from yourself is more important. Because by starting from ourselves it can help towards a better change. Start with the easiest and simplest things that we usually do everyday, for example such as disposing of trash in its place, not using much plastic or Styrofoam, Avoiding excessive water use, cleaning up trash in ditches, and if the distance is close, get used to using a bicycle instead of a motorcycle due to reduce the level of air pollution.

We as a society and as social beings must also remind our fellow citizens to start protecting and loving nature. Because by inviting more people, more people will also be aware of the importance of their obligation to protect the environment. It can be started from its own environment. Or you can also hold a mutual cooperation event to clean up the village so that it is healthier and more beautiful. By holding mutual cooperation, the community becomes a collaboration to clean up the village and can be used as a friendly tool for residents. Because a clean environment will provide positive air for its inhabitants

It’s not only the activeness of the people who start protecting the environment, but the state must also be able to take part in protecting the state and natural environment so that no more serious damage occurs. Such as natural disasters that have occurred recently, for example landslides that have been caused by illegal logging, or coral reefs that have been damaged by bad people who use bombs to take fish, or what often happens in Indonesia when it rains heavily, namely flooding due to humans who like to throw garbage in rivers or ditches which causes the water to become clogged with garbage.

Based on Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management, the government is obliged to carry out its governmental affairs in the field of environmental protection and management with the aim of protecting the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia from environmental pollution and damage and guaranteeing the survival of living things and the preservation of their ecosystems. Therefore, the government must be able to overcome this problem because the government is a role model for society. If the state can emphasize to the public to always protect the environment, of course the community will follow the rules made by the state.

There are many roles of government in reducing environmental damage. Such as, planning a sustainable development program, issuing laws on the environment, and forming an Environmental Management Agency. The function of the government to establish the Environmental Control Agency is to, tackling cases of pollution, both air pollution, soil pollution and water pollution, monitoring of hazardous and toxic materials, conducting an analysis of environmental impacts. Not only that, the community and the government must also help each other in minimizing environmental problems, including implementing a thousand tree planting program, not carrying out poaching and destroying nature, and conducting environmental socialization.

It is important for us as a society to maintain the cleanliness of the surrounding environment because a clean environment is the beginning of a healthy life. However, the awareness to keep the environment clean in our society is still lacking. Habits of all origin are still too attached to life. There are still many who think it’s okay because there are only a few, but precisely because those thoughts gradually become hills, eventually trash is scattered everywhere. For example, throwing garbage in the river, on the road, or in the ditch. Therefore, we as students must start implementing clean and thrifty living.

As much as possible to reduce waste that is difficult or takes a long time to decompose by nature such as plastic and Styrofoam. The way to reduce it is by bringing your own place to eat or drink. Or when shopping bring your own bag so we can reduce the amount of plastic that is released. Start life by starting to care about nature, because if we care about nature then nature will give us back.

By: Edsa Afifah

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