BESTIALITY – We satisfy your hunger pleasure

By: Samyuktha R

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Bestiality- “We satisfy your hunger pleasure;
Hunted us and kept our heads as trophies of treasure;
Our skin was stripped for your warmness;
Now our lifespan is continuously experiencing shortness;
But now limits have been broken by some beasts, who use their masculinity
To steal even our VIRGINITY…”

People have heard about different eccentric behaviour of humans but sexual intercourse with an animal is something a normal human being would not even dream off even in his wildest nightmares. But it has been happening for years and people do not have any awareness about such cruel acts done to poor innocent creatures.

Already animals have been subjected to many cruelties like hunting and poaching. But ‘Bestiality’ is something unmoral and brutal. Many people would not even have come across the word bestiality, which means, human beings having sex with animals. It might sound unimaginable, but it is happening in reality. The reason why people are unaware about it, is because, It is under reported or The victims, that is animals cannot speak about such cruelty done to them.

It is stated by some researchers of India that presence of bestiality can be seen in mythology where people believe that marriage between humans and animals can bring prosperity and some believe that bestiality can cure sexually transmitted diseases. Initially these were seen as myths, but a stone panel belonging to the tenth century shows a man having sex with a horse. Not only this, there are depictions of bestiality in some of the pre-historic cave paintings. These prove that bestiality might have existed from the ancient times where such incidents have been kept in the dark.

The animals which are mostly subjected to such sexual abuses are,

In most parts of the world, bestiality has been banned and it has been a serious punishable offence. In India, a person who involves himself in bestiality would get a life-time imprisonment. According to a recent survey conducted by wildlife advocacy in 2021, nearly eighty cases of animal sexual abuse has been recorded from 2010-2020. What is more disheartening to hear is, in some countries, bestiality is legal where humans can have sexual intercourse with an animal without torturing or injuring them.

Some cases of bestiality which came to light are,
In 2015, an eighteen-year-old boy allegedly raped a calf.
In 2016, a twenty-two-year-old man raped and killed a female dog.
In 2018, eight men were arrested for raping a pregnant goat.
In 2018, a man sexually assaulted a stray dog.
In 2021, a sixty-seven-year-old man was arrested for sexually abusing more than thirty dogs.

In all the above cases, mostly the domestic animals were subjected to sexual abuse. But a recent incident of Bestiality shook the whole world where a ‘monitor lizard’ was gang-raped by four men in March,2022. All these abhorring acts are sickening to hear and we need stricter laws to stop these kinds of brutality done to the voiceless creatures.

On one side, several animal species are considered holy and while on the other side we come across bestiality. Its high time, that we should start protecting animals in our home and in our surrounding from these hooligans who just needs sexual gratification by using any kind of innocent living being.

We are just innocent and voiceless,
But some humans act shameless.
Already you’ll are draining us for your prosperity
And now you’ll want even our virginity.
We are almost kept equal to captives
Under few we are facing all kinds of abuses.
We do not want justice
We just need freedom from all this brutal malice.
Please stop this bestiality
And show us some humanity.

By: Samyuktha R

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