An Epiphany of love

By: Swaratmika V

love Lust A poem from his pov
love Lust A poem from his pov
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An Epiphany of love

The wound up keys and clockwork dolls—a dance of hearts clicks up start.
What a ballet of smiles and masks, ticking its way through lads and gals.
Once young and naive, within whose minds lies no sore,
How we watched them through this tinted glass,
With dreams so bright, hopes lively.
But as time merrily ticked away,
I saw it arriving from miles afar, leaving me at the brink of why.
I drop into your silence,
It leaves me astray, for its unsettled farewell’s etched in itself.
How I hoped it doesn’t end up this way.
At a loss of words, I dance away,
In the epiphany of love we once ached,
You and I yearning dusk and day,
But could I ask for the solace it would bring to simply say,
Such delight it is to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

By: Swaratmika V

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