AI: Biggest crisis of the modern era

By: Mirayah Sharma

AI artificial Intelligence
AI artificial Intelligence
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Contrary to what we have heard and experienced artificial intelligence or AI might be human’s newest and biggest crisis. As newer and easier ways are being introduced for its usage, it is slowly taking over the planet. Now, why is this a crisis? Well, that is a fairly simple question. AI stands to be the biggest threat to humanity. All the seeming advantages of AI are what make it so dangerous.

Whether it is writing an essay, designing, finance, healthcare, or driving a car, AI will execute it perfectly. The ability of the machine to display human-like capabilities such as planning, learning, and reasoning is what makes it stand out from any invention that has ever been made.

Giving so much knowledge and power to something that does not have a conscience is a very foolish thing to do. Granted it works only when we ask it to. But who is to say that one day it would not carry out processes without us asking it to?

Leaving aside the fact that AI in the future will cause a dire situation for humans, its direct impact on present-day humans can also be very clearly seen. People are being fired from jobs because AI is taking over. AI can do the job with much more precision and care but at the cost of hundreds of employees being let go. This in itself stands to cause chaos. Unemployment amongst people would mean them resorting to stealing, doing illegal activities, and much more only to put food on their table.

AI presents thousands of other difficulties and problems. The first that can be noted is human laziness and lack of creativity. Now that we have something willing to do all our work with pretty much zero effort from our side, why even bother thinking of working ourselves? The machine will do the job for us in an instant, perfectly. The second problem that is mention-worthy would be the ethical concerns AI raises. Privacy, bias, and security are some issues underlying the ethical concerns. High costs, increasing dependency, and lack of emotional intelligence are a few more disadvantages.

AI has made every job extremely easy and doable. From doing your homework to collating large data spans AI is the first thing we jump to. ChatGPT, one of the more popular and known tools for AI is used for everything. You ask it to do anything and it will not disappoint you. Due to this, however, we have seen cases wherein kids have stopped doing their work. Everything is being done by these smart machines, allowing us to become lazier by the day. What good is it for human survival to be so dependent on a machine?

While some jobs are indispensable and cannot be carried out by anyone but humans, AI can replace most. As costs become lower and AI becomes more accessible, companies will prefer AI over man. AI does not have complaints nor does it require space. A simple laptop will suffice. This is how slowly AI may invade human enterprises and take over jobs.

Now do we completely disregard something that has been created after years of hard work and can prove to be useful too? No of course not! AI should be used with caution. Irresponsible usage of AI is what the issue is not the technology itself. Taking certain steps that can regulate the proper usage of AI would be recommended.

Making AI do some part of our work which could include data collection, statistics, graphs, etc. would give our performance an edge, and this way we would not be fully dependent on it. Companies also must realize the importance and not let go of manpower to avoid mass unemployment and major ethical issues that would raise eyebrows due to the complete usage of AI.

To conclude, we can confidently say that AI will cause a lot more problematic situations in addition to those existing if not kept in check. There are very simple ways to avert this crisis and keep the upper hand as humans. It would become too ironic if a human invention caused complications for human survival. Thus, being weary or too cautious would not prove to be unbeneficial. As we keep giving AI and technology more and more intelligence and data, it grows smarter by the day and it might be safe to say that in terms of these two criteria, it may have surpassed humans already. 

By: Mirayah Sharma

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