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This sentence may seem simple as it says, “After every darkness comes the dawn”, many might say that it is very obvious that this is the truth of life that one has to face lot many ups and downs because that is how a living being survives. But mine might differ a bit or mean the same.

Recently, the world has gone through a pandemic, COVID-19, many lost their lives, many lost their near ones, and apart from all these major losses there were economic crisis, even poverty increased as the employment fall of very sudden in number, the medium and small wages earning family went on losing on the one side of the world if there was that pandemic hitting then the on the other side the hunger became the weapon that killed many others.

There are many such incidents that happened in the past two years, like one of my friend was in a training camp, on the one hand the employers sent all their employees to their home back, and it was not their option but the only choice that they have to choose and they had to flee to their home town on their own arrangement and risk and the on the other hand was my friends employer who let them remain in the camp site itself and they continued the training with proper COVID regulations.

The employees were not allowed to carry mobile phones and hence there only option left to know there family well-being was the news that some of the local staff used to fetch for them on their request so that be satisfied at least with the news. Some news told that there these many deaths, these many cases registered, these many so and so, of your state, that was just the news they used to get, and the rest was up to them to how to manage the situation. So this was the condition world-wide.

But still after so many losses and the tragic situations the world and the front-line workers didn’t stop. Especially, it was indeed a great job done by the doctors, scientists, and the leaders who supported them. If it was not their dedication then the world might have never seen vaccinations like ZyCov-D (Indian), Oxford-Astrazeneca (British-Swedish) Pfizer (US), and neither the world have ever been cured to this stage .Although the cases are registered till date but the affect and the tragic reaction has come down.

So, the above was a real scenario that showcases that after every darkness comes the dawn and when we look deep into it we could see that may it be the real time dark and dawn or the one in real life there is a factor that controls both in different manner, in the light scenario the time or the position of the sun decides the dark and dawn on the real life pandemic situation the men, the men are the one who had to control the situation, because it might have stopped at the source of origin, the authorities did not mind, later on it an fish in aquarium took the form of a blue whale.

Thus, every activity of a man affects, there is a change to what one does now, it might be a good one or the bad but there is an affect. Let’s take for example, the first nuclear test in India in Pokhran, Rajasthan, the scientists and the engineers were distributed in small groups and they were asked to bring small to small items like nuts, bolts, shields, and every other sort of material, the operation needed but the scientists didn’t knew why are they asked to do so, they just did what they were asked to do and finally when they reached the Pokhran site as it was instructed they were blocked inside the location and the mission started, even many didn’t even know what was going their until the success of the test was in news, so the overall summary is that they didn’t knew what were they doing, but there contribution gave our country a proud moment and stood a milestone in the world history wherein a country takes a successful nuclear test without even a single information to the neighbor countries and other big nations of the world.

Many a times it happens that we are tired of doing a particular kind of work, and we leave the task and start with a new one, for example a man a standing a long queue waits for more than an hour and then he sees a line nearby which is shorter as compared to this one he transfers to that one but later on he gets know that the short one is the wrong and the one he was standing was the correct one then he had to again join the longer one, so, we might not know what next is, one might be in a very stressful situation but it is not necessary that the situation exists forever, there are chances that they are resolved.

That is why it is said, the one sitting above all of us has decided what will be our future, we need not worry, he’ll look after it may be everything has a got a perfect time to arrive and thence it is said After every darkness comes dawn, but when, is not on our part. Sanskrit has got a wonderful verse (slokha) stating the same “Karmanyevaadhikarasthe ma faleshu kadhachana” , which means Work hard without thinking or having a desire of result.


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