A Journey of Curiosity: If I Were a Scientist

By: Harshal Yelwande

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Picture a world where every ‘why’ and ‘how’ isn’t met with a simple answer but becomes an open door to a grand adventure. In this world of imagination, I step into the shoes of a scientist, where curiosity is not just a trait but a superpower.

Imagine a world where everyday questions become doorways to extraordinary adventures. In this realm of imagination, I step into the shoes of a scientist, ready to embark on a journey where curiosity is my guide and discovery is my destination.

If I were a scientist, my journey would be a colourful ride through questions, experiments, and the joy of uncovering the incredible in the seemingly ordinary. Join me in this fanciful exploration where the playground is a laboratory, and every discovery is a treasure waiting to be found.

1. The Playground of Curiosity:

If I were a scientist, my playground would be a magical space filled with experiments waiting to happen. Think of it like a giant sandbox, where instead of building sandcastles, I’m building bridges of understanding. The air would be buzzing with questions, and each experiment would be a treasure hunt to uncover the mysteries hiding around us.

2. Turning Everyday into Extraordinary: 

In this world of scientific exploration, ordinary things become extraordinary. A drop of water becomes a tiny universe under the microscope, and a leaf turns into a secret code waiting to be deciphered. I’d revel in the joy of discovering the hidden wonders in the simplest of things, turning the mundane into the magical.

3. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work:

Being a scientist wouldn’t be a solo adventure. Picture it like a big family picnic, where everyone brings something different to the table. I’d work with other curious minds, and together, we’d create a symphony of ideas. It’s not just about what I discover; it’s about what we discover as a team.

4. The Code of Good Science:

In my scientist shoes, ethical principles would be my compass. It’s not just about finding cool things; it’s about doing it the right way. Treating everyone and everything with respect, being honest in my discoveries, and making sure that what I do helps, not harms—these would be the rules of the game.

5. Sharing the Magic:

Science can sometimes seem like a secret club with complicated passwords. If I were a scientist, I’d want to change that. I’d be like a storyteller, sharing the tales of my experiments in a way that everyone can understand. Science is not just for the brainy; it’s for everyone who wonders about the world.

6. Bringing Science to School:

My imaginary scientist journey wouldn’t be confined to the lab. I’d take the excitement of discovery to schools. Imagine a day where instead of boring lectures, students get to be little scientists, exploring and asking questions. Learning would be like a treasure hunt, and every student would be a treasure hunter.

7. Looking to the Future:

Being a scientist wouldn’t just be about today’s discoveries; it would be about building a bridge to tomorrow. I’d dream big—of finding cures for diseases, of understanding the mysteries of the universe, of creating technologies that make the world better. The future would be my canvas, and curiosity would be my paintbrush.


In the realm of “If I Were a Scientist,” the story isn’t just about test tubes and equations; it’s about the thrill of discovery, the joy of sharing, and the responsibility of doing good. As I take off my imaginary scientist hat, I carry with me not just a bunch of cool findings but the essence of what makes science magical—a never ending journey fueled by curiosity, shared with friends, and aimed at making the world a little more wondrous for everyone.

By: Harshal Yelwande

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