9 Indian Traditions Loved by All

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Culture – the ideas , customs or the social behaviour that people follows to maintain certain growth among themselves. The term can also be defined as characteristic of people in terms of language , foods , religion or even lifestyle. It is an amalgamation of beliefs , ethics , communication and even actions of people living in the society.Culture is present in everything and everywhere. Every nation possess some or other culture. Among all those nations , India stands out –one reason of its uniqueness is its cultural diversityLike other cultures , Indian culture represent its own beliefs and practices.The culture has never been reigid and ready for kind of changes – the reason which makes it accpetable among people in this modern era. Indian culture varies like its vast geography. We find people speaking different languages , wear different clothes , eat different food , but still possess some similarity , that binds them as one. Every moment , whether sad or happy , is celebrated alongwith the whole community or society – no event is restricted to one person – the whole group or community becomes a part of that celebration – this is called as ‘culture’.

There are some of the interesting facts of Indian culture famous in all over the world :-

  • The NAMASTE : This is one of the ways of greeting when we meet others. The same gesture is given by other words such as “Adab” , “Vanakkam” , “Jai Jinendra” or even “Sat Shri Akal”- the meaning of all the words may be the same but it depends on the people to what community they belong or what belief do they accept. All these are commonly spoken greetings when people meet and are forms of farewell when they depart.

  • ITS ALWAYS FESTIVE : India is a land of festivals and celebrations. Each festival signifies different occasions – some welcome seasons of the year , the harvest , the rain or the full moon. Celebration is also done in view of religious aspects and of personal happiness [ birthdays , anniversaries , weddings ]. Festivals are common but they are celebrated in different ways in different parts of the country. For instance , what Diwali meant to hindus , Guru Nanak Jayanti means the same for Sikhs.

  • FASTING DAYS : Indian culture is not complete with fasting. Fasts or vrat are the way to express one’s gratitude towards god – it is believed that by doing so they can get rid of the sins they have done in their life. Different religion or community do fast on different occasions. The number of fasting days are also different.

  • PILGRIMAGE – A HOLY PLACE : India is covered with diverse holy sites that attract large number of pilgrims every year. It is famous for the temples , the sacred water and the holy saints. In Northern part, one can visit sacred places like Vaishno Devi, Amarnath, Badrinath, Kedarnath, Haridwar and Varanasi and in the Southern part , one can take the blessings of God at the Sabrimala, Sringeri, Dakshineshwar-belur math, or Rameshwaram.

  • FAMILY STRUCTURE AND MARRIAGE : India has this tradition where the extended members of family live together – their lives become dependent on one another – handle the stress or hard times together. On the same line , marriages are majorly happened on arranged basis – parents find a suitable groom for their daughter and vice-versa.

  • CUISINE : India is known for its love fod food and spices – the indian cuisine varies from place to place. The diversity in taste comes with following : spices , herbs , oils ,and even cooking techniques. There are some cuisines which are there on most of the menus , foe example “punjabi cuisine , but there are still some cuisines which are very rare on the menu. TV Shows like “Masterchef India” try their best to make world familiar with the different cuisines found in India.

  • CLOTHING : As we move from corner of the nation to another , diversity is visible in type of clothes the people are wearing. From draped garments like sari or dhoti to stiched clothes like salwar-suit or shirt-pant , diveristy is seen everywhere. Indian attires are gaining popularity all over the world day by day – ofcourse media and entertainment industry plays a big role !

  • VISUAL ARTS AND LITERATURE : India – the land that portray cultural and traditional vibrancy through its arts and crafts. The regional dances such as Bhangra, Dandiya, or Bihu are main contenders in the field of Indian folk art. Tribal art has also progressed gradually due to the constant efforts of the Indian government.

  • PERFORMING ARTS : Dance forms are based on ancient dance discipline and set of rules. Important classical dance forms are Bharata Natyam, Kathakali, Kathak, Manipuri, Kuchipudi and Odissi. Several institutes and organisations are there that promote these arts and provide training for the same. India is also rich in conducting various puppet shows – these are usually performed in theatres.

Everything seems to be different if one look at every certain kilometers but if one speak broadly , we all are hold together by some cultural thread. That thread help us to identify the Indians on a foreign land too ! With the progress in the society , changes are taking place everywhere and in every domain and such type of changes are also occuring in cultural values , the ideas or the beliefs that we as Indians possess. It is always good to adapt yourself the way the society is but not at the cost of the cultural values that make us unique and special. I would like to conclude with the quote said by our father of nation “A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.”

Writer: Palak Jain from Ghaziabad is an outstanding participant of International Essay Contest, December 2019.


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