75 Years of India’s Freedom: The way Forward

By: Sristi Srivastava

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Peeping into the history of our freedom struggle, the citizens of this country still remember the words of B.R. Ambedkar spoken on 26th January 1950, when our Constitution was enforced in the Parliament,”It will now be two years, 11 months and 17 days since the Constitution first met on the 9th December 1946, now from this day onwards India would be a democratic nation in the sense that India from today would have a government of the people, for the people and from the people”.Since then we entered into a life of contradictions in politics and advancement in Science and technology.Now, the government plays a vital role of equality in politics and inequality in social and economic life.By looking forward, India is in dire need of eradicating such inequality by establishing and practicing several measures, such as MGNREGA, Poshan Abhiyan, “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” scheme, “Vocal for Local” campaign, etc. 

2020 has been full of new challenges due to Covid-19 Pandemic and all of us have tried to overcome those challenges in our own way by adapting to the new normal.More than ever,now is the time to learn from our experiences and plan for the future.So how is the India planning for the future? Through restructuring,reshaping,reviving,reforming and resetting.

In order to celebrate 7.5 decades of India’s Freedom, PM Modi, this year on 12th March, inaugurated the mirror action of Satyagraha Movement, which was launched a way back by Mahatma Gandhi, from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi.Several great and enthralling events have been planned to get launched between the period of March’2021 to 15August 2022,just to celebrate our country’s 75 years of Independence.

Now let’s explore our 75 years in different aspects and give a new direction through our ideas and imaginations.

A dream come true: Make In India

Our Country’s “Make In India” campaign launched by PM Narendra Modi in 2015, shortly after coming to power was one of the great initiative to foster and administer refined manufacturing conditions and also to roll out the red carpet for global industrial Corporations.This encouraged foreign investors to consider India not just as a market but also as a manufacturing hub.It puts greater recognition and investment in local knowledge,technology and talent.

With the renewed stress upon manufacturing, the government plants and boost manufacturing to about 25% of GDP in the next decade, but for that a favourable environment coupled with big bank reforms is the prescription of the hour.For the success, India has to move beyond rhetoric to well defined in profit strategy.A close partnership and dialogue between the government and private sector, both foreign and domestic is critical.To become a manufacturing hub, India must grab the wall with its both hands.

Mission Poshan 2.0

Putting a greater emphasis on the health and wellness sector, our country has really progressed a lot in the malnutrition graph since the pre Independence era of 90’s, but still the situation is critical, especially amongst under 5 years of age.In order to tackle malnutrition, prevalent among pregnant and lactating women, and children, Nirmala Sitharaman(Finance minister), on 1st February in the new budget of 2021-22, declared to begin Mission Poshan 2.0. The objective is to achieve countrywide effective delivery, outreach and also to degrade the graph of mulnutrition as much as possible in the coming decades.

Now the question arises, how to implement this mission to get the desired result?

By changing the ways of its implementation, we will definitely get out of the problem of this disease by 2022. Government workers need to recognise the malnourished family and give them social security.Our country has to be transformed into a mass movement to achieve this Mission, in which the participation of NGO’s, representatives of public and private organisations and native people is necessary.

Defence Sector (Strengthening of Naval Capabilities)

Changes in defence sector is not just a navy or airline requirement but also a national requirement too. To achieve a world class Navy, a navy which can support, we literally need a 3rd craft carrier. To understand this, let me present a scenario.Say, India has an interest in South Africa or somewhere in the southern part of Africa and there is an underwater drilling station where we are drilling out petroleum, for example, and some foreign navy just tries to come and take it over. So to protect that, we’ll need an aircraft carrier but the thing is that, we can’t leave our country unprotected, so one needs something to stay on the western board also.What we learn here is that that we should always have the ability to intervene in a situation anywhere around the world in which our interest is being impacted and maintain our status as a country too.

The future of the navy is beyond the platform on which they operate.Hope to see Indian shipyards exporting weapons and ships, in this decade itself.The next step should be to make them competitive, cheaper to be able to easily supply them to our partners because security is the thing that we can’t do alone (not even as a country).Indian Navy needs more assets to continue to be operated like this and also improve further in the coming future.

Science and technology

“With every sunrise, comes a new technology and also gets old with every sunset, in a day”, must become a phrase in the 21st century. Since our freedom from the Britishers, we are watching a great change in our surrounding, from digitisation to Artificial Intelligence and from classrooms to research.Earlier, what was impossible to us, now seems completely possible with digitisations. With the collaboration of Google, NITI Aayog is fostering machine learning ecosystem to yield fruitful results in the years to come.The tiresome humans what want is ,that their work gets done without moving their hands, will surely become true by 2040 in India because our ability to think regarding machines is going beyond the sky. 

With each new day, we encounter ourselves with a new innovation and hence, that decade is no far away from us when the citizens of our country will see driverless cars running on our motherland.Nanotechnology, cyber security, trading patterns, Online shopping, Airline Industry,Stem cell therapy, all are going a way forward towards more advancement with this initiative of the government of India.

Recently a floriculture Mission was launched by CSIR at the National level. To make India self-reliant in the flower business and also to improve the income of farmers, who are involved in this cultivation.This gave a new way to the workers and feeders of our land towards entrepreneurship and foreign export of flowers.It has been planned to create a model of floriculture on the productionland of CSIR and to improve it by providing the knowledge and techniques to the workers.This will strengthen their willpower to work more in creating variety of flowers.

We have not only experienced advancement since 75 years but also disappointment at the same time.Every now and then, a new disease emerges to make us nimb and fragile.Presenting the data of Kidney patients in the world will shake your soul from within.In the whole World,1 in every 10 person is suffering from chronic Kidney disease.In India, this report ranges from 10-15% and has also been estimated that by 2040, this data will get more worse.Kidney failure might become one of the 5 major chronic critical disease in India.Looking forward from the eyes of science gives us hope that, slowly and gradually we will have the immunity to fight against such disease with strength.


This was our country, India, since Independence in 1947 to the present 2021 and beyond.Improving the social and economic disparity, science and technology, security and defence, health and well being of the population, will make us feel more empowered.Re-establishing the Infrastructure will give more impetus to above sectors for the overall development of India because this is the backbone of Indian economy.”From the ability to see what is happening around us to the ability to be able to endure and improve the things that are not performing well, all needs to be covered from both hands”.

A lot of the efforts are taking place on the ground but there needs to be a more integrated approach and more focus towards tangible outcomes, meeting the deadlines as well and we hope to see all the challenges to be tackled with more willpower in the time to come.

By Sristi Srivastava

Avadh Girls’ Degree College, LucknowParticipate in Creative writing Contest & International Essay Contest and win fabulous prizes.


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