5 Time Management Tips for Your Dissertation

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The most challenging thing in your dissertation period is the time management. Time flies so quickly you wouldn’t even be able to discern between day 1 and day 30. You’d keep sugarcoating the truth to yourself to avoid the painful responsibility but this is the same thing which will get you in the end.

And to be honest, it is not only reckoning you have to manage your time, it’s also the way you manage it. A lot of students do manage the time but in a very faulty way so it’s more of a harm than benefit. Hence, in this blog, we will reveal 5 management tips for your dissertation adopting all would land you submitting your thesis timely.

1- Make a viable timeline

One practical tip in making your timeline we are giving away for free, which by the way we learned the hard way, is to create a timeline for all of your tasks. And it does not stop here, the timeline should not be an idealistic one rather a personalized according to what’s achievable for you.

You know yourself more than anyone, so craft a timeline that aligns well with your personality. For instance, if you are the kind of person who cannot deliver big time commitments, stick with baby steps.

2- Make hierarchy of tasks and prioritize them accordingly

Since you are done with a timeline, now the next phase is to write down all of the doable tasks in a hierarchy of the most important to the least ones. Once you’ve finished doing it, prioritize your tasks according to the hierarchy you’ve set.

Do not move the hierarchy of tasks whenever you feel like it because this will disconnect the entire chain. Instead, no matter how hard it seems, always stick to the next task in the pipeline.

3- Write, write and write

There shouldn’t be a day that goes by with you not writing anything at all. It is extremely dangerous for a thesis writer to let a day go to waste. Each day in the dissertation period counts like one whole week.

So even if you have read a single paper, write down what was striking in that paper in your journal. This will not only build your habit but groom your writing skills too. A lot of essay writing service providers will help you with this.

4- Stay connected with your supervisor

The 4th item in our list is to keep your supervisor in the loop and update them on whatever your current progress is. Your supervisor is an expert who’s been in this situation many times and has advised more students in your situation than you could imagine. So their advice for your current stage could be a breakthrough for your research.

5- Fix primetime for research workout

Much like you have a fixed time for your workout in the gym you don’t like to ditch, you must dedicate your primetime to your research workout too. And the rule that would lead you to a robust piece of research is to never ditch this dedicated time.

We truly hope with these 5 small tips, you can better utilize your time management skills.

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