3 Simple Strategies for Cultivating Optimism

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It can feel difficult at times to maintain a positive attitude when the world around us seems to be falling apart. However, there are small steps that we can take to enhance our sense of optimism, no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in. In this article, we will discuss the true meaning of optimism, its many benefits of physical and mental health, and simple strategies for cultivating more optimism in our lives.

What is Optimism?

According to the American Psychological Association, optimism is “the attitude that good things will happen and people’s wishes or aims will ultimately be fulfilled.” Many people mistakenly believe that optimism requires minimizing negative emotions and maintaining a cheerful disposition in any circumstance. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. True optimism allows room for an individual to acknowledge the reality of their circumstances in all of its complexity. They can let grief and pain have their place, while still holding onto the belief that these feelings will not last forever and things can be different in the future. Optimism looks like viewing any experience through the lens of opportunity for learning and growth.

For more articles and information about optimism, visit BetterHelp.

The Many Benefits of Optimism

Optimism has been shown to have many positive implications on health and well-being. Being optimistic has been revealed to be an important factor in developing resilience and healing after traumatic or stressful experiences. There are also significant benefits for your physical health. Research has found that optimism is linked with heart health, immunity, reduced risk for cancer or infection, and increased longevity.

Simple Strategies for Cultivating Optimism


Practice gratitude. Recent studies have revealed the powerful impact of gratitude on improving our well-being and life satisfaction. Sometimes in the midst of a difficult or stressful week, we just may not feel grateful. However, it’s important to note that gratitude is a practice- it is an intentional action we can choose. Displaying gratefulness doesn’t mean we paste on a fake smile and act like everything is okay when it’s not. It is choosing to stop and acknowledge the little things in each day that we appreciate. We can be filled with grief, sadness, or anger- and still choose to practice gratitude. There are many ways to practice gratitude, from keeping a journal and noting three things you’re thankful for each day, to writing a note of appreciation to someone in your life, or engaging in prayer or meditation.


Challenge unhelpful thoughts. When we stop to observe our thought patterns, maybe you notice repetitive negative thoughts that emerge. It can be beneficial to take some time to challenge these thoughts, as some of them may be rooted in cognitive distortions– like catastrophizing, discounting the positive, mind reading or fortune telling, or black or white thinking. Becoming aware of these unhelpful thinking styles can help us to identify when our mind is spiraling in these directions, and counter these thoughts with the reality of the situation. Can you really predict the future or claim to know what others are thinking? Do you have any evidence to support these beliefs? Challenging our thinking can help us to develop more helpful ways of assessing and perceiving a challenging situation.


Take steps to prioritize your physical health. Our mental and physical well-being are so inextricably connected. Prioritize following a nutritious diet, regular physical activity, getting adequate sleep, and engaging in activities that help you to keep your stress levels in check. All of these healthy habits can facilitate improved mood and energy levels, and a better ability to cope with stressors that come your way.

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