2024 Ten Notable And Impacting Events : A Vedic Worldview

By: Sharmila Shankar

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Ten Notable And Impacting Events Of The Year 2024: A Vedic Worldview


* | श्रीभगवानुवाच || कालोऽस्मि लोकक्षयकृत्प्रवृद्धो लोकान्समाहर्तुमिह प्रवृत्त || *

– Chapter 11, Verse 32, Bhagavad Gita

Translation: “The Supreme Lord said: I am mighty Time, the source of destruction that comes forth to annihilate the worlds”

In short, time is an unrelenting force that flows incessantly. Even though the time that has gone by is as irreversible as the arrows that leave a bow, it can most certainly be reviewed for precious lessons that can be learned from it. Time can be measured in terms of seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, etc. Time is celebrated by man each time it makes a positive difference to the world in the form of annual reviews and performance accounting and in the context of historicity, the year 2024 has been a year of historical firsts, and a time of transformation, growth, and surprisingly noteworthy lows that have gone on to contribute to making the world a better version of itself in alignment with the principles mentioned in the Holy Bhagavad Gita and the Vedas.  

Why review the year 2024 from a Vedic perspective?

Research has proven that the origins of humanity can be traced back to ancient Bharat, whose influence extended to every region around the world. The Vedic texts of ancient Bharat have also shaped several fields back in the day throughout the world and continue to do so even today.

2024: A year that has transformed life itself

The Bhagavad Gita and the other sacred Hindu texts state that one should take the best out of everything in the world and incorporate them into life. Furthermore, they speak of “Vasudaiva Kutumbakam,” meaning that the world is one family. Thereby, reviewing the global events of the year 2024, one gets to learn rich lessons from the same.

The ten notable and impacting events of the year 2024 with lessons for the world from a Vedic perspective:

2024: The year of several global historic firsts

  1. Event # 1: The year of the first black man to go to space

After turning ninety, Mr. Edward Dwight, a black man became the first to go into space. Sponsored by a non-governmental organisation and sent to space by the rocket company of Mr. Jeff Bezos, he could achieve this feat only after years of training for the same. Several years of struggles later, he found inclusion in his quest to fulfil his dream of going to outer space.

The impact achieved: The year 2024 has laid the path for global inclusivity and the positive transformation of the world.

Lesson for the world: Keep on performing karmas without expecting results, for you never know when you will reap the fruits of the same.  

  1. Event # 2: The year of the first quadriplegic to receive a Neuralink chip

With help from Mr. Elon Musk, a tetraplegic named Mr. Noland Arbaugh received a Neuralink chip that was placed in his brain to assist him with better controlling his computer simply by commanding it through his thoughts alone. Mr. Arbaugh still hopes that his disability will not continue to haunt him in the future but rather that it will become less cumbersome for him.   

The impact achieved: The year 2024 has paved the way for the restoration of self-sufficiency even in the disabled.

Lesson for the world: Disability does not imply being crippled for the rest of one’s life but it rather speeds up the spiritual development of an individual due to the hopes the disabled have for a better future.

  1. Event # 3: The year of the first youngest chess champion to get the title of Grandmaster

A young man from India named Gukesh went on to become the world’s first youngest Chess Grandmaster in 2024 after having worked hard for several years creating unique strategies for winning and making sacrifices for the achievement of the same.

The impact achieved: The year 2024 has proven that no matter how much hard work is put in and sacrifices are made, without an ethically prepared strategy; everything else can be fruitless.

Lesson for the world: Ethically designed strategy created with good intentions always wins over everything else.

2024: A year of positive transformation

  1. Event # 4: Rollout of smart medical solutions

Several smart neuroscientific medical solutions were eventually created including those for treating depression successfully, carrying out partial transplantations of countenances, beating malaria, gene therapies, specially developed solutions for treating diabetes, and more without invasive treatment procedures.

The impact achieved: The year 2024 has bolstered the possibility of enjoying better health without unexpected side effects or even invasive treatment programmes.

Lesson for the world: Without the constant application of knowledge and actions taken based on the same, the world cannot live a healthy life.

  1.   Event # 5: Artificial Intelligence was used to improve the world

At its inception, Artificial Intelligence was feared and almost rejected by the world when it assumed that it was only capable of creating unemployment and issues worldwide. Nonetheless, right from creating solutions to preventing deforestation through the deployment of real-time data analytics to detecting cancer at an early stage without the need for extensive tests to be carried out on people, Artificial Intelligence was deployed ethically and with an intent to improve the world.

The impact achieved: The year 2024 made the impossible possible when it saw Artificial Intelligence being deployed for the greater good.

Lesson for the world: Artificial Intelligence can serve people when used wisely, ethically, and for the right causes.

  1. Event # 6: Scientists find water on the surface of an asteroid

The unexpected presence of water molecules atop an asteroid made scientists realise that upon studying the way water was transported eons ago to the earth by asteroids, they can easily develop newer technologies to make the life of humans sustainable on other planets too.  

The impact achieved: The advanced research on outer space carried out in the year 2024 made people realise that it is not impossible to colonise outer space.

Lesson for the world: Think big rather than thinking at the microcosmic level, for you never know what possibilities life holds.

  1. Event # 7: Green economy cynics had to quiet down

With the invention of cashless payment facilities such as the Unified Payment Interface, low-carbon emitting technologies, and more, it was proved that a green economy contributes more to the expansion of the GDP levels around the world and the protection of the environment.

The impact achieved: People who were cynical about the deployment of a green economy were shushed in 2024 after their fears were allayed.

Lesson for the world: Efforts taken towards achieving sustainability is a positive karmic action towards the environment, which is divine and would therefore yield purely positive results even if you are not expecting it. You sow as you reap.  

  1. Event # 8: Some extinct species returned to life

Certain species such as the bilbies, Florida grasshopper sparrow, and several others returned to life just when no one was expecting them to do so.

The impact achieved: The year 2024 has proven that the efforts being made towards the conservation of the environment around the world are indeed effective because they involve the greater good even if the results of the same were a bit delayed.

Lesson for the world: Conservation efforts taken to preserve biodiversity are a noble cause that can help mankind achieve greater good for all. 

  1. Event # 9: Debunkers of the power of electric cars hushed

At their inception, electric cars were not accepted so easily by the world out of fear of the possible consequences of their use. However, with the benefits of electric cars having been made known to many, the myths regarding the same were debunked while their positive use was proven and the sales of electric cars took off all of a sudden. Many realised that transformation of all kinds implies progress and not otherwise.  

The impact achieved: The year 2024 has transformed the world into a better one, with people willing to accept the truth about the benefits of using more sustainable modes of transportation.

Lesson for the world: Transformation is essential. Without transformation, everything would come to a standstill.

  1. Event # 10: Many have achieved a work-life balance around the world

With the “right to disconnect” legislation passed in most countries worldwide, people can now enjoy a better work-life balance with the working weeks getting shorter each day.

The impact achieved: The year 2024 has seen improved performance of people at work and home, with more people being able to find flexibility in their lives.

Lesson for the world: When one sets aside time for unwinding oneself, one can lead a better life without losing alignment with life.


Right from the victory of ethics to a massive awakening around the world, the year 2024 has taught several rich life lessons including that even though karma may take time to produce results, it is most certainly worth the wait. As compared to the other years, it has brought about several transformative revolutions around the world. With the mantra that one has to be the change one wants to bring about in the world, the year 2024 has gone down as one of the most significant years in the history of time on record.

By: Sharmila Shankar

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