10 Tips For Safe Web Usage

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Today we are all obliged to the digital world. More particularly, children and students who go by online classes. Learn this to get awareness. Follow these steps to safeguard yourselves:

Duplicate mail id:

Always have a duplicate mail id. This means not the id with improper name and details. Apart from the id that you have for PC One drive and the one linked with bank purposes. Have a secondary mail id.

Login page:

 We access many websites for different purposes. Try to avoid logging in pages. Try the most to work out without being logged in. If bound case, remember to log out. Logging out is must than other. Many Web frauds occur which is majorly fed by forgetting to log out.

Secondary Account:

Bank account. In case, where you have to share the bank details online, try to share the bank account that doesn’t correspond to sensitive usage, the account that get regular salary or savings.

Set Spam Filter:

Always set spam filter for your mail. Because mistakenly clicking single link may lead to loss of money.

Consequences: The online cheats may not occur directly like stealing money. The request may come to your mobile as payment bill for online purchases from online shopping marts. Single touch may pay for big purchases like Refrigerators, Costly laptops,etc.

The safety of website.

There is a common belief in people that the website with https or statement with secure connection is safe. Secure connection differs from safe site. One should understand that they cannot share any sensitive info in any online websites.

Sharing your info.

We must be cautious about sharing our details. Don’t use websites that trace your locations. More importantly, the one that asks your photograph and social media accounts. In case of necessities, assure the safety of the website. Before sharing, google about the website for safety. Since, INTERNET GIVES YOU PROBLEM AND THE SOLUTION TOO.

Your thoughts:

You have many thoughts, idea in your mind. But it is not necessary to share all those in your social media to get likes and shares. Some hackers may follow your thoughts and revert it to you as catching net to attract you.

For example, when you continuously google about a topic, a few minutes later, if you open any of your social media you will get ads related to it. Simple!

Try to turn off Mobile Data:

 Remember to turn off your phone’s mobile data, in nights. Because only at this time, hackers are awake. Try to do that. Don’t think that I came out of the application. You are being monitored!

Don’t use public Wifi :

This happens during travel in buses, trains, and in restaurants, coffee shops and so on. Nowadays, when children travel, they were forced to use such free, public Wifi due to their online classes.

Internet Shopping:

Believing in offers, discounts from online shops, don’t buy products. You will be getting messages like shipping yet, delivery in 10 days, so pay now itself. Don’t believe. Check for the trueness of online websites and stores. Particularly, teenagers are stuck in this case. So be aware and try to have parental control in such case. Use only authorized online portals and shopping websites.

A small story that you should read for sure:

 A familiar Cyber Crime Officer shared his experience from Cyber Crime issues. Well! A Cyber Crime Officer himself would be more alert and multi-minded like a hacker itself. He had a tour with his family and he decided to relax the whole day getting relieved from his job for one day. He made his mobile phone switched off for more than an hour and left. After his arrival, he saw number of missed calls to his mobile phone. When he called his P.A., he came to know that, from his Facebook account, some message was sent like requesting money for an emergency purpose. In fact, he switched off his mobile at the time when the message was sent. Some of his friends, believing this, sent money to the mentioned account. Thereafter he spent the whole night for warning his friends about this fraudulent message. His account was hacked. This happened for a Crime Officer. What about common people like us? This is a real story that was shared by him in a public speech.


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