Young Entrepreneur Who is Running a Trending Business

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This young entrepreneur is running a business related to laptop and desktop computers and he is a renowned entrepreneur of the University of Peradeniya. His name is H.M.S.M.Herath and he was born in December 1995 in Rathnapura. Even though he is not a renowned entrepreneur all over the world at the present, he will be a famous person in the future. But it depends on his performance. There are lots of things to learn from his life. The brand name of his business is Computer repair UOP. He does any kind of laptop or desktop computer repairs. Other than that, assembling laptops, formatting windows software, antivirus installation, selling microchips are also done. The usage of laptops, desktop computers and mobile phones is high these days, due to COVID 19 pandemic. Students have to use these devices due to online lectures. Employers have to use these devices, due to the fact that they work at home. 

Educational background

He did science subjects for his tertiary education. Then he entered the University of Peradeniya to follow Agricultural technology and management. He is an undergraduate, and he is pursuing a special degree. 

Professional experience

After tertiary education, he has followed a course related to the computer and computer repairing. After that he started a business of computer repairing. And also he acquires knowledge about photography, computer science and new technical methods by societies and associations of the university. 

Area of expertise

Though his degree course is Agricultural technology and management, he is an expert in computer science. Not only about computers, he can repair some other machines as well. 

SWOT analysis

Having practical skills and knowledge about the computer repairing.Doing photography.Having his own shop/building and a vehicle.Having a good connection network.Having regular customers.Not having a proper person to guide him at his studies.Problems in personal life.Not good at English-speaking
Being an undergraduate of university of Peradeniya.Being an active member of the prominent societies/associations of university of Peradeniya.Conducting English courses and workshops in the university.Having lots of computers related courses for further improvement his knowledge. Other competitors

Reasons to consider him as an exemplary entrepreneur

  • Avoid procrastination
  • Having a discipline
  • Having a self-motivation
  • Taking risks and accepting challenges.
  • Being creative
  • Learning quickly from mistakes
  • Being responsible
  • Paying full attention to the thing what he does.
  • Listening to others
  • Time management
  • Being kind and treating customers very well
  • Having practical skills related to machines like computers.
  • Never do cheating to customers.
  • Ability to work under pressure.

His entrepreneurial skills

  • Communication skills
  • Listening to others
  • Problem solving skills
  • Time management (Allocating separate time periods for both studies and business)
  • Focusing/concentrating
  • Technical skills
  • Planning
  • Not being restricted only to one area.
  • Branding his business
  • Marketing skills

A heavy work load is there to complete at the degree course of Agricultural technology and management. But he can balance both academics and his business. He has a Facebook page and he uploads very important articles related to technology to that Facebook page. And also he gives offers to his customers. It is really helpful to attract customers. Example: He usually offers a free computer service to the person who is getting touch with his Facebook page. Because he has his own shop, there is no cost for rent. He has selected a good income earning business. Any employment and any student have the computer, laptop and mobile phone at the present. Even though a high-quality computer is bought, malfunctions appear after several years due to different reasons. Then those machines need a computer repair due to the cost of purchasing a new laptop is higher than the cost of repairing it. Mr. Herath does the laptop and desktop repairing for an affordable price. He had to face, and he is facing lots of challenges in his life. He lost lots of valuable things in his life. But he didn’t discouraged from those things. He concentrates only on his tasks at the moment. Therefore he could complete his tasks successfully. Mr. Herath has not appointed a person to succeed him. Mr. Herath doesn’t observe others. But he is aware about the external environment. He follows different methods to market his business and to attract people. His Facebook page, giving offers, treating customers well, charging a fair amount for repairs are some of them. He is doing his business in his own way.

Performance = effort x Ability x Support

His performance can be further improved, if he had support. But his performance basically depended on his ability and effort. Due to he has not having proper support, he has to manage his academics and his business by himself. The people who he associates, can’t help him at his academics or at his business. Therefore hiring skillful laborers is a better suggestion. Transportation cost is less due to he is having a vehicle. He has some personal problems that can’t be solved due to his weak decision making, even though he is good at decision making at his business. Therefore meeting a councillor and or getting some advice from a responsible person are better suggestions to find solutions to his problems. But he can still concentrate on his work without confusion. English courses, workshops, business workshops which are conducted in English medium are organized in the university frequently. He can improve his knowledge about English and business by Participating to those programs. In addition to computer repairing, he is working as a cameraman at some functions in the university. Even though he has some small weaknesses, he can be considered as an exemplary entrepreneur, because he did not confuse his work with his personal life.   

Author By: W.I.M.Withanage, she is interested in writing and drawing. She creates short stories, articles, scientific fictions, essays, cartoons and doodles in her leisure time. She writes to give happiness to readers and to express a valuable idea or a message to society.


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