You are Two Now _ A thought of a Mother for her daughter

My daughter Aadhya turns 2
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You’re 2 today.

I remember it like it was yesterday…It was Sunday and I was cooking…Suddenly I felt something and calling your Baba and Sona Maa… And telling him it’s time… Rush… Knowing that within a few hours I would meet the person who would change my life for the better.….You are a sweetheart, my honey, a perfect compilation of your Baba and Me….. My eyebrow- his smile, my attitude, his loving spirit, my temper and his naughtiness…

You aren’t the kid who sits quiet and plays…. Or the kid who calmly sits in a her own rider …Or the kid who lets me sleep in……Or a kid you can distract with a simple toy…Or the kid who understands “No” or “Stop, ” “Don’t” words……You are the little Girl who figures out how to climb out of her crib to our bed, laugh at Me, try to open doors locked <though she knows she shouldn’t> and always attempting to maintain her independence.

Memories flood my mind as I think about your first words <Dada>, first tooth appeared <10th july,2013>,first steps <11 th November 2013>, foods, and other mileposts. Each day, it seems, I discover that you are growing and developing more and more. Sometimes I wish I could keep you little evermore. But at the same time, I love watching you discover new things.

Nowadays you have started missing your friends, playing outside with them, fighting over a toy and always wishing to stay outside as much as possible. If I say that you are our life, it will be easy, but I would say I can’t live a moment without you. You are my whole day worksheet, and I want my sheet will be full each day as you grow. You are the light through which I see my future. You are my Babi, Sona Maa’s fav Gini and everyone’s lovable Aadhya.

My wish for your birthday is that you will stay as fresh and sweet as you are today..And Healthy and Happy always…

Happy Second Birthday Bommas Buri:):)-


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