Write an Essay Fast Simply

By: Poojitha bapathu

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Writing an essay swiftly is a pretty simple thing if you follow some steps properly and have faith in yourself that you can do this.

Believe you can and you’re halfway there.-

                                                                -Theodore Roosevelt.

Understand the topic:

Understanding the topic is the quintessential step. You need to be cool, calm and composed for a better understanding of the topic. Do not panic, if you’re not aware or unfamiliar with the topic. Don’t be in a hurry and misunderstand the topic. You can get good idea of the topic through many sources these days like Google, library… Do enough research and in the very first reading you may not get clear idea, so do give it a read again. If you get clear idea about what it exactly is, half of your job is done.

Choose a peaceful environment:

Maintaining a peaceful environment internally and externally is an essential factor to write a magnificent essay speedily. Peaceful environment internally in the sense thinking about nothing but the topic and the related aspects, so that it gives you scope for thinking out of the box and flow of ample ideas. Internal peace is always in your hands but the external is not, so as much as possible you need to find a suitable place to work serenely. It helps in lot ways to finish your essay swiftly.

Gather all your thoughts together:

Right after getting an idea about the topic, gather all your thoughts together and put it on a piece of paper or wherever you’re comfortable with, so that you won’t end up in confusion and miss out on any point while you’re writing the essay. Thoughts in the sense, do not write every single word, just write some bullet points to have a quick reference. Then you can develop paragraphs with the help of those points, and finally it makes the work easy and also aids you to finish your essay quickly. It also gives you a sense of orderliness, and makes your essay look clear.

At this stage itself, you need to have 90 percent of information and idea about how to present it into an alluring essay. The remaining  10 percent will be covered during the process of work eventually. You doesn’t need to pay attention to it, those are the ideas that flow into your work subconsciously and they add the true essence of attractiveness to your work.

Start your essay:

You’re all set to start your essay. Try to maintain flow of thoughts and never ever get stuck in a point. Most of the people do this, if they are unable to remember a word or a phrase to use in a context, they tend to stop their work and think of the same until they recollect the same. Continue your work using an alternative word or a phase and finish it. Do not write lengthy stanzas, it creates nothing but confusion and there are chances of mixing up the ideas and may appear little messy. So cut it into small paragraphs and put a single idea/information in a single paragraph. If you are unable to fill the pages, that is fine, because quality is more important than quantity.

Try to keep it simple:

It is not always mandatory to use complex and classy vocabulary and make it look complicated. Don’t loose yourself in search of fancy words and ending up procrastinating the work. Keep it as simple as possible, it makes the work easy for you and the reader as well. It is better to use simple language and keep the sentences short.

Do not  reproduce the content:

Do not be in a hurry and copy the content from others. It only portrays you as a plagiarist and does not show your uniqueness. Never leave such mark on you. Even if it is a small idea, do not hesitate to write it, it is your own thought and be proud of it. You may think, this is irrelevant here, but it is our values that matter. You may not be able to write your first essay speedily, but it improves your thinking capacity and broadens your creativeness, so that in the next essay, evidently you’ll be writing expeditiously.

Summarise and proofread the essay:

At the end of the essay, conclude your essay and add your views on the topic in a nutshell. It helps you to wind up the essay easily. Finally check the entire essay if there are any grammatical mistakes or spelling mistakes or if you had missed on any point. This way it helps you to finish your essay speedily and also turns out to be an alluring work. Ironically, I did follow the exact steps that I’ve mentioned here to complete this easy speedily.

By: Poojitha bapathu

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