World’s Happiness Day

By Saniya A. Singh Rajput

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One of the most auspicious day which we celebrate is the World’s Happiness Day.

It is delicately vocalise by Jim Rohn that ;

                                    ” Happiness is not By Chance, But by choice”

In today’s contemporaray world humans live a freezing life, due to hard hearted human behaviour. The current society minimises to live a happy and pragmatic life. To decode this glacial life of humans and to make them discern the significance of happiness in life, The International Day of Happiness is commeorated throughout the world on 20 March. It was entrenched by United Nations General assembly on 28 June 2012 under the superintendence of  Jayme lllien.

The World Happiness day marks great significance in life of people to make them realise the true happiness of this materialistic world.To be happy, we should be true the like flowing water without any impurities filled in it in form of negativity.

Our life is too stubby to love and make other’s laugh. So, it is requisite for us to enjoy each and every instant of our life.Happiness arrives from our heart.We reveal what is inside us. The entire fascinating world deserves to be Happy.Making other’s laugh is the most graceful job of the universe. Our mind should anticipate good and real stuff from everything. Each person owns charm in thier vibrancy. Happiness does not rely on who we are or what we have but it purely rely on what we think. Our thoughts narrate our behaviour. Happiness comes from heart not mind, belief not funds and smiles not dejection. The higher we cater our mind and soul with positive aura, the greater we smile.

The more we smile, the more we live a peaceful life.We should be kind and together to face every hurdle. Being united in a difficult situation is the best way to remain happy.The importance of being happy and heathly is much greater than being cold.The world happiness day gives a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future to all.According to a survey the most unhappiest people live in underdevloped countries or in the places which have exprienced war, hunger and poverty.

Happiness bring more fairer contribution in economic growth as it foregrounds sustainable devploment. Happiness is actually a collective approach.As per 2021 according to new report Australia is the happiest country in the world during pandemic followed by Canada, Austria etc.The World Happiness Day recognises happiness as the most important need in any human’s life.The day also establishes the significant role of happiness in public policy objectives.Every person should be happy in thier life irrespective of thier age, class,caste or any other criteria.The International Day of Happiness theme for this year is : “Happiness for all, Forever”. 

Our life faces Countless hurdles, it depends on us how we tackle them. Every coin has two faces and comparably our too engrosses two faces; one for strainess and another for happiness.It rely on us, what we plump for. Happiness is like’AIR’ it is all around but we cannot spot it. likewise happiness is all around but we cannot spot it, we can only sense and love it. The World Happiness Day chronicles great divine in people’s life.To be happy, be evil.

In today’s materialistic world humans require cosmetics to look charming, but they did’nt realise that smile is the best make-up a individual attires. No individual should be magistrated on thier appearance or looks, but on basis of thier fascinating and admirable thoughts. I persume that knowledge and happiness are only two things in the whole universe which do not get reduced by sharing.Happiness is the best perfume. Our mother earth even narrates to human to be happy, not just for frogery but to make our land heaven.

For a Pregnant mother it is the greatest and the hardest leg of her life to give birth to her infant.But she reamains calm, accepts all the sufferings and soreness with a beautiful smile to make everyone happy and sense good. She handles her anger, pain just for her newborn and sarts twinkling with joy after glimpse of her child. In such backbeaking cicumstances if a mother can smile so, why can’t we? The World Happiness Day makes each Indivdual realise about true hapiness.

To be happy we don’t need lavishful cars, fancy aligns or incalculable money. It just needs a positive soul with a dazzling smile.To be happy and joyful just listen to your heart, imagine the best, accept the good and do things you love. And this is what just the World Happiness Day stands for.It teaches us to be happy and live our life by poliferating positivity filled with joy.Also meditation increses the level of our happiness by making us feel good and relaxed.It decreases our prospensity towards nagativity. Mindfulness makes you happier.It reduces strees and makes to you feel calm and enjoyable.Meditation is a key to happiness.

To be happy we are not supposed to apply extravagant efforts, what we are presumed to do is to just get charged up and get filled up with great joy.We do not need angels, saints or gems we can shape them by ourselves just by poliferating happiness. 

A Happy Mind Leads To A Happy Life………

”  Negativity leads to crying
                                  And happiness depends upon how much we are trying.

Positivity comes from heart

and being happy is an art.

You Strive to funny

to be happy like bugs bunny.”

By Saniya A. Singh Rajput


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