By: Fousiamol H

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Women have played many roles in life. As a daughter, she is responsible for taking care of her parents. As a mother, she is expected to serve her husband. As a mother, she has to take care of the children. Women empowerment is the most important issue in modern times. Men and women should be equal in any field. Gender equality is very much a bridge to a developed society. Violence against women is increasing in today’s society.

In many situations, they are unable to respond. We can make all women mentally strong by providing a good education. Through it we can mold a responsive women society. It allows women to make life-determining decisions through the different problems in society. Empowerment cannot be fully achieved through women’s full participation in education as well as employment. Education leads to the increase in employment opportunities for women. This makes every family financially strong. It helps a lot to make the country economically developed. A woman does not have to stay within the four walls of a house. Every woman should be able to fly towards her dreams.

Today, in many countries women hold the highest positions in government. Women are now getting power even in rural areas. All this is an inspiration for every woman . Give equal pay to the same work. There are many women around us with many different talents. Many of them are in a situation where they can’t fly with their dreams, because they are in a traditional framework. Due to this , they have not getting the opportunity to achieve their goals in life. There are many countries today ,where child marriage exists.

What a pity to get married at an age when you should be playing and learning. The time has come for society to destroy all these immoralities. Society also plays a role in women’s progress. A woman getting good education and getting a good job leads the country’s to progress. There is an equal contribution from men and women for the country’s progress. By giving opportunities for women in employment sector, we can decrease the problems due to unemployment.

Through this there is an increase in the number of persons who contribute to the country’s progress. Women are the pillars of each family. Mother treats each member in the family, everyday she worked hard for fulfilling their needs. Mothers are the representatives of God. They work for her family and their needs. But in many of the families no one ask for her needs. This is the main problem in our society. But each woman has different hidden talents other than treating family members. For example someone has talents in cooking,crafting, fashion designing etc. Someone has the dream to continue their education. But they have not got a chance to express their dreams to others. Because in many families other members are not interested in hearing from their mother, they are too busy in the modern world. But don’t forget one thing, mothers are the representatives of God. So treat them in a good manner and help them to achieve their dreams. Not only for mothers but also for every woman, create a better society that make them to achieve their dreams. Through this we can fulfill women empowerment. A woman whose voice is heard and who is given proper rights in all aspects of life is said to be women empowerment.

Education has made women independent and they are no longer dependent on men to lead their lives. Societies that value men and women are equal are safer and healthier. Business laws have changed to allow more women in the workplace and give them a comfortable environment to work in. Violence against women is increasing today. Gender equality prevents violence against women and girls. Every man should be able to see a woman as his mother or sister.

We can empower women by abolishing child marriage. Various programs must be held where they can teach skills to fend for themselves in case of financial crisis. Women also should be given equal rights like men to really empower them. So they should not be treated as a weak gender of the society as they occupy almost half the population of the country. So they are the half strength of the country. Women have more patience and effort, they can better develop their country. Society should make way for every woman to reach their dreams.

Through achieving women empowerment we can reducing household poverty, increasing productivity and economic growth, and increase in efficiency. Yes, let’s unite and work for women empowerment.

By: Fousiamol H

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