Women Empowerment

By: Nuraida Nugraheni

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In general, gender can be defined as differences in roles, positions and traits that are attached to both men and women through physical construction social, and cultural. Gender is a social variable analyze the differences between men and women in terms of roles and responsibilities answer. The concept of gender also causes the formation of stereotypes that are defined in cultural or general terms about specific gender characteristics, such as paired characteristics that can describe gender differences.

Struggle of Indonesian women

The struggle of Indonesian women began with the women’s movement innovated by Raden Adjeng Kartini. With an emphasis on education, when youthful, Kartini hopes to open the midairs of Indonesian women. A brief explanation of the background to the active involvement of women in the struggle and history of the nation needs serious attention, because until now the jotting of Indonesian history has not easily established the position and active part of women in the history of the nation. At least we see so far in our literal literature, the struggles and benefactions of Indonesian women in perfecting the position of women ahead and ahead of independence, have nowadays been the focus of attention of chroniclers. In the period of globalization, the part of women isn’t only as the main and first preceptor in the family. But also as women who have the tenacity and adaptability in helping their misters to earn a living which will eventually strengthen family frugality.

Empower women

Women’s empowerment is an effort to empower women to gain access and control over resources, economy, politics, social, culture, so that women can self-regulate and increase self-confidence. Women are indeed the most experiencing problems in politics or the economy, or in a narrower environment, namely the house ladder. This problem seems to have become a problem that is no longer need proof. In other words, women, as is the case with children and the elderly being more susceptible to the occurrence of turmoil that produces instability in the public sphere.

Not get equal rights with men

In the era of emancipation like now, women are often considered as a second class group so that they do not get equal rights with men. Women are considered only competent in carrying out work related to household matters. Over time, women began to rise and succeeded in proving that their actuality was good of being reckoned with. The intelligence and moxie of Indonesian women, in particular, can no longer be undervalued because they’ve contributed to development. Although, in practice, not all women who are involved in politics have the authority to make strategic opinions. But at least, they’re suitable to represent the presence and voice of the bournes of women at the position of government policy.

Improving the quality of the nation’s next generation

Women’s empowerment is closely related to improving the quality of the nation’s next generation. Remember, women are the first educators in the family. Because it is in his lap that children begin to learn to feel, think, and speak. In the family environment, women can act as mothers, wives and children. All of these roles require a task and according to the assessment of which the role is also their specialty. There is no greatest privilege given to a woman, but to make a mother. In Indonesia today women are equal to men. Women are no longer a complement in life.

Empowerment of womens

Empowerment of womens is vital to still increase the capacity of girls so they’ll have self-confidence so women can participate and participate altogether lines of development in Indonesia, including environmental development. The purpose of empowering women is to build women’s awareness of gender equality so that they are able to develop their potential, so that women can be independent and participate in development and civilization. Efforts that we can do to achieve gender equality include:namely increasing gender awareness through socialization and teaching, awareness that women have rights in the public sphere and the same competencies as men, provision of skills, for improving welfare through training, ending discrimination against all women and girls,eliminate all forms of violence against women and children, both in the public and private spheres, and provide women with equal rights.

Gender equality

Gender equality will strengthen the power of states to develop, reduce poverty, and govern effectively. Thus, gender is a major part of the development strategy in order to empower the community (everyone)-women and men-to lift themselves out of poverty and improve their standard of living. Economic development opens many avenues for improving gender in the long term. The Sustainable Development Agenda has an important meaning because once it is adopted it will be determined globally and nationally so that the development agenda becomes more focused. Each of these goals is to uphold Human Rights (HAM) and to achieve the topic of gender and women’s empowerment.

By: Nuraida Nugraheni

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