Winged or Regular: Rev up Your Look with a Simple Eyeliner

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A wise man said, “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder”. Therefore it is the eyes that are of significance. The same feature that can help elevate or enhance how you look or how you’re looked at with such ease! It is also the feature that conveys the emotions one feels. Eyes are the mirrors to your soul. So why not adorn them and make them speak with the beholder?

Who would have thought that a black or coloured line drawn over those creases could create such an impact, or brushing some ink over your lashes could be a thing? They were picked up about as early as 10,000 BC by Indians, Egyptians and Mesopotamians.

Having now been blessed with various types, styles, colours, and so much more to adorn those eyes with, we’re here to help you get eye-catching! 

Eyeliner Colours:

Black and Brown: The classic black or shades of black used to create different outlines or looks.

Coloured: Recently, the use of different colours as eyeliner has seen popularity to have the edge over the dull browns and blacks. Pop of colour helps brighten and make small eyes look bigger. Try out a blueliner to enlarge those eyes, just like Princess Diane.

Glitter: These have a shimmery glitter component to add to the extra sass of the makeup look. Great for parties and events.

Eyeliner by Finishing:

Matte Finish: Pick it for a matte smudge-proof clean look. Best for formal or office wear.

Glossy Finish: Pick it for a hi-shine look, complimenting dewy makeup or doe-eyed looks.

Types of Eyeliners/Applicators:

Pencil Eyeliner: Most commonly found and used. Its creamy texture and ease make it most beginner-friendly. The only downside is it requires sharpening before application.

Liquid Eyeliner: Best for dramatic and clean finish eyeliner looks. It makes sharp edges due to its brush applicator but requires practice and a steady hand. Cat-eye, Foxy Eye, Egyptian Eye etc. look is best accomplished with it.

Pen Liner: Recently innovated, it’s a holy grail birthed by the mix of the finish of a gel liner and the ease of a pencil liner. It dries quickly and gives perfect sharp lines. Highly recommended as You can apply it on both upper and lower eyelids

Gel Eyeliner: Sold in small pots paired with an angled brush for application, it is a favourite for people who love the smokey eye and smudged look. Requires a steady hand and practice but helps create different looks. Caution is necessary to make sure the pots are shut tightly after every application to prevent drying out. It is also essential to use a setting spray or powder to avoid smudging.

Eyeshadow as Eyeliner: Though not a literal eyeliner, it’s a makeup hack to try out fun colours as eyeliner or have light smudgy lines. It’s easy on the pocket and can be used to try colours otherwise not available. Something to note is that it’s not long-lasting and fades faster than the rest.

It is important to note that you must first test the eyeliner. Ensure there are no allergic reactions. Always pick a safe eyeliner for your eyes as you can damage them easily.

 After which, you can choose the right eyeliner for yourself.

Eyeliner Styles to Choose from:

Catty Cat Eyes: Drawn over the upper and lower lid, adding a slight wing to the eye’s outer edge. Use Pen Liners, Gel liners or Liquid liners for perfection.

Natural Line Look: Opt for a black or brown liner and outline your natural eyes. Next, apply neutral shades of eyeshadow on the upper lid. Finally, use pen liners or eyeliner pencils to get this look.

Long Winged Liner: You can create this by outlining your upper lid and flicking it longer towards your eyebrow at the outer edge of the eye. Use Pen liner, Gel Liner or liquid liners for ease.

Mischievous Foxy Eyes: Popularly worn in the ‘70s and ‘80s, It is achieved by drawing a wing at a lower angle. Use Pen liners, Gel Liners or Liquid liners for this look.

Swan Eyeliner: For a more dramatic effect, the liner is drawn past the inner corner of the eyes and adding a wing on the outer edge to complete the look.

Abstract Eyeliner: Involves abstract designs or patterns to be coupled with a winged liner complementing the eyes.

Coloured Liner: Coloured eyeliners to help achieve the looks also helps to make your eyes look bigger. Coloured liners or eyeshadow as the liner would help achieve this look.

Double Winger: A curved winged liner is drawn over the upper lid, and a straight line below the water line is often worn in punk fashion. Neither join at the end but remain parallel.

Enclosed Winger: This elegant look is achieved when a winged liner elongates and stops halfway under the lower lid.

Simple Dog Eye: It is a short wing liner, not too dramatic, and extends a thin line on the lower lid.

Smokey Eyeliner: It is created by drawing a winger line over the upper lids and then using a brush to smudge the liner to achieve a faded look over the eyes. Make sure to extend it a little under the eyes to complete. Preferably use eye shadow or a pen liner that isn’t smudge-proof to create this. Use a setting spray to make it stay.

There are different varieties of Lash Wimpern shop in India and abroad. These are easy to use and come in a diffrent shapes.

It is important to note that you must pick an eyeliner suiting your facial features, makeup or the occasion. Here are styles that best suit different eye shapes:

Styles for Different Eye Types:

Almond Eyes: Style them by tapering in the inner and outer ends of the eye and rounded at the centre. Using a creamier liner, outlining the natural shape and thickening it towards the end is one that compliments this eye. Due to its symmetry, it can handle almost any type of liner.

Down Turned Eyes: It is droopy at the outer edges. Opt for Coloured liners to make it pop, and complete it with a cat-eye with a shorter wing.

Wide Set Eyes: It has a wider gap between the inner corners of the eyes. Keeping the colour concentrated mainly towards the inner corner of your eyes and minimal at the ends to draw attention inwards.

Asymmetrical Eyes: The eyes can be found to be of different sizes and shapes. Common for asymmetrical faces. Use lighter shades of eyeliners, and outline your natural eye shape. If the eyes are smaller, you try to thicken the liner to balance it out.

Round Eyes: The eye shape has rounded tops, a double eye crease and visible white under the iris. Try to keep the liner elongated with more extended winged liner looks, thinner on the inner corners and thicker outside.

Big Eyes: Tend to be larger than other facial features on the face. Due to its shape and size, you can experiment with many different unconventional looks, like the double wing.

Mono lids: They have no visible crease. Start with a thin line towards the inner corner and softly thicken towards the outer edge.

Hooded Eyes: Have noticeably less eyelid space. Make sure the cat eye or winged liners are thicker on the outer corners, and they live your eye shape.


Make sure to have a thoroughly cleaned set of eyelids before applying any eyeliner or eye shadow. Use eyelid primers for best eye looks. Adding eyeshadow is always a good idea to complete looks. For dramatic and noticeable looks, don’t forget to add mascara which helps hugely have a more put-together finish. Lastly, always remember to remove your eye makeup with a proper cleanser and remover. Do try these eye looks and rev up your game!

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