Who Can Benefit Most from the Services of a Disability Lawyer

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For millions of disabled Americans and their families, disability benefits are the only source of income. However, even if your disability prevents you from working and earning a living in New Jersey, it is highly possible that you will face a denial when you first apply for these benefits. The reasons for denial may include failing to meet the medical, employment, or technical criteria established by the Social Security Administration (SSA). 

An experienced New Jersey Disability Lawyer can help by assessing the merits of your case and determining if you have a fair chance of winning approval for benefits.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers two distinct programs to disabled Americans who are unable to work  – Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). 

Every Disabled American Can Benefit From A Disability Lawyer’s Services

Long waiting times, strict and rigid requirements, complex application procedures, and numerous court appearances and appointments with disability examiners make the disability application process confusing and overwhelming for disability claimants. 

Benefits To The Severely Disabled

The disability application process encompasses an intricate maze of paperwork. Severely disabled claimants may find it difficult to obtain medical records, compile employment history, and fill out lengthy forms documenting their disability and its effects. Disability lawyers in New Jersey have a thorough understanding of the SSA’s Blue Book. 

The Blue Book outlines the eligibility criteria for various disabling conditions. An experienced disability lawyer can gather various records, complete the application form correctly and accurately, adhere to strict deadlines, and handle communications with the SSA on behalf of severely disabled claimants.

Benefits For The Blind And Those Aged Sixty-five And Above 

The SSDI program provides benefits to only disabled claimants and certain eligible family members if the disabled claimants have worked long and recently enough and paid Social Security taxes on their earnings. 

However, SSI benefits are available to children and adults with a qualifying disability or blindness with income and assets below specific financial limits. These benefits are also available to Americans aged sixty-five and above without disabilities who meet financial requirements. A seasoned disability lawyer will evaluate your case and determine which one of the two SSA programs is ideal for you to apply for. 

Navigating the complex disability application can be highly stressful for claimants without expert legal representation. A disability lawyer has extensive knowledge of disability laws and the Social Security system. They maintain regular contact with local disability determination offices to help expedite applications quickly. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries will receive $967 per month in 2025. An eligible married couple will receive  $1,450 per month in 2025.

Contact A New Jersey Disability Lawyer 

Disability lawyers understand the significance of benefits for disabled Americans and their families. From filling out and filing your application to appealing an initial denial, an experienced disability lawyer at Chermol And Fishman can help disabled New Jersey residents in every step of their quest to seek approval for disability benefits. Contact a New Jersey disability lawyer at our disability law firm today to schedule a free case consultation.

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