What kind of UPSC Books are Recommended for Preparation?

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As you already know, the Union Public Service Commission, a body of the Government of India, holds India’s most prestigious exam each year. Through this exam, candidates have a chance to apply for and earn some of the most respected government officers’ positions in the country. But would you believe that choosing the right UPSC books might just be that one barrier keeping you from the country’s best jobs?

UPSC Exam Pattern And Syllabus

Before talking about the important UPSC material that your preparation will require, let us first understand the exam pattern and the IAS syllabus

The UPSC exam is held in three stages-

  • The Prelims
  • The Mains 
  • The Interview

The prelims consist of two papers: General Studies Paper1 and General Studies Paper 2. This exam is meant to test the candidate’s knowledge on various subjects from around the globe and to see how aware and informed they are. Based on the result of the Prelims, it is determined whether the candidate is eligible to proceed further, into the Mains. 

The General Studies Paper 1 includes Current Events, History- both Indian and global, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, Geography, Environment and Ecology, Technology and Science, International Relations, etc.

General Studies Paper 2 requires an aptitude for Comprehension, Communication, Analytical Skills, Logical Reasoning, Numerical Skills, Making Decisions, Solving Problems, and Mental aptitude in general. 

The main exam requires knowledge of Policy, International and Indian History, Economics and Social Development, Disaster Management, Ecology, Biodiversity, etc., along with two optional subjects. After having cleared both these exams, a candidate becomes eligible to appear for the Interview or Personality Test. 

How To Prepare For The UPSC exams?

There is a sea of information available regarding the UPSC exams, and swimming through such a vast course material can be frustrating and to be honest, quite disheartening. Choosing the best study material out of these can be difficult. It would be wise to pick up books that have been recommended by knowledgeable people in the field. The list below mentions some of the most highly recommended books by mentors.

For the Prelims:

  1. History- Pick up books related to the Indian Independence Struggle, books about national art and culture, and India’s ancient, medieval and modern history. There are many books that cover these topics. 
  1. Geography- Books regarding world geography and the Indian subcontinent. 
  1. Indian Polity- There are a number of books that have been specifically designed for the UPSC exam preparation related to Indian Polity. You can find many names online. 
  1. Economics- Books about the Indian Economy, Development, and Economic Policy by authors like Singhania. 
  1. International Relations- Learn about world affairs and international relations through NCERT books that are also available. 
  1. CSAT- Books about Reasoning and the CSAT are available by Aggarwal.
  1. A myriad of publications offers solved UPSC papers that can be useful to you in your pursuit. 

For the Mains:

  1. History, Indian Heritage & Culture- Books by Bipan Chandra are very insightful when it comes to Indian History, Art, and Culture. You may explore books by other authors as well.
  2. Geography- Indian Geography books are available by author Majid Hussain. It is also advised to follow NCERT books and the world atlas for this section.
  3. Polity and International Relations- Author M. Laxmikanth has written a very insightful book on the Indian Polity; You can learn about the Indian constitution through Mr. Basu’s book or other resources.
  1. Economics- Books about the environment have been written by Tata McGraw Hill, additionally, you can learn about the national Economy through books written by Nitin Singhania
  2. Ethics- Books on ethics are easily available across multiple channels. 
  3. Again, solved papers from any good publication will be a very useful tool during your preparation.

Besides these, it is recommended that candidates stay on top of things by following daily news and other intellectual articles. BYJU’s exam prep provides a ton of study material for the UPSC and also gives you access to some of the finest mentors to help you through your journey. Remember to prepare well and practice as many mock tests before the final exam. Before you know it, you will be over the hill.

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