What is Success and Failure and How Do They Differ?

By Yubika Shah

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Failure is success in progress- Albert Einstein.Failure and success are two sides of the same coin; without failure, success is impossible.Even if the task is impossible and there is little to no chance of success, believing in yourself and failing every day to learn from your mistakes leads to a man’s success. 

What really is success and failure? When different people are asked about their conceptions about success, almost all have different responses. For a homeless man, success is getting a job, possessing a residence, and starting a family, but for a rich individual, success is earning enough money to last many generations and conversely, when it comes to failure, everyone has their own viewpoint and opinion.Success and failure have no set definitions.They are all human notions, and if we change our perspective on what success or failure actually is, we can transform our lives.

So the actual question is whether success or failure is preferable. There is no objective answer to this question.Failure inspires us to achieve progress and teaches us important life lessons, whereas success is the target we set out to accomplish from the starting. We never know who’s right with numerous arguments, discussions, and essay (like this) devoted to identifying which is superior, but the subject remains unsolved.But, for me, they are both best friends who are inextricably linked.Understanding how they interact will help you better understand the nature of failure and how to deal with it.Between failure and success, there are two key relationships to consider. To begin with, failure begins where success ends and establishes the boundaries of success.Second, success frequently comes after failure, as it often occurs after other possibilities have been explored and failed.

Every triumph in a dualistic world includes the seed of failure (and vice versa) Only in the now can true success be found. Now is the time to think and act; you may fail, but you will succeed.

Within a larger whole, yin and yang are complementary opposites. Although one element may appear more strongly in specific objects or at different periods, everything has both yin and yang elements. Yin and yang are always in motion, never completely still.The varying proportions of black and white in the Taijitu sign illustrate that as one component grows stronger, the other weakens. The symbol also implies that while one side is at its most powerful, it contains an element of the other, as demonstrated by the contrasting dot present at the opposite’s maximum.However, the symbol also implies that when one side is at its strongest, it contains an element of the other, as indicated by the contrasting dot present at its opposite’s maximum.

The yin yang features of the link between failure and success outlined above suggest that rather than being a duality, they should be considered as two sides of a single unified event, and that we should keep both aspects in mind and maintain a balanced perspective. If success is represented by white in the Taijitu symbol and failure by black, we can see success grading. When success is at its peak, the seeds of failure are present, and when we are at our lowest and darkest point of failure, a glint of success can be seen.We place a higher value on success than failure. On bookstore shelves, articles and book titles featuring the words “success” or “succeed” are strewn about. Failure, on the other hand, may be beneficial to us when it comes to learning, according to study. Failure, rather than triumph, is a superior teacher.We go through all these for success because it is  a track of what you have achieved, it’s a social validation and also a benchmark for others to follow. It is something that a lot of people want to say about themselves.

Consequently, both success and failure shape a person. Success is followed by failure, and failure is followed by experiences, which are our intangible assets.Life as we know it now is the result of those who failed and tried again and again, finally leading to who we are today as human beings.We should be grateful for both our successes and our failures.

By Yubika Shah


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