What Is Gratitude, And Why Is It Important?

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The year 2020 was no more than a horror come true for many. Countless deaths and increased infection rate, lost jobs, the pain of immigrants, and unforeseen future. Even the thought of the COVID-19 pandemic and a year in lockdown leave us with agitation and pain.

But what if we think about three things you had throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, things you are thankful for. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and think about these things. Having your family healthy, your job intact, and a safe abode to comfortably spend your lockdown. Say ‘thank you for things and situations you have that others don’t.

Now, open your eyes. How do you feel, calm and content? That’s the magic of gratitude; it can feel your heart with hope and positivity. But, what is gratitude? Does it only mean saying ‘thank you, or there is more to it? Let’s understand.

What is gratitude?

Most people take gratitude as a fluffy and frivolous concept. However, gratitude has a real positive impact on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Want to know more about how gratitude impacts your personal development? Let’s dive deeper and understand the importance of gratitude.

Why is gratitude important?

Patience and well-being

The busy and fast lifestyle of the 21st century has made us impatient for success and left us wanting more. This agitation and impatience only grew during the pandemic. With the celebration of New Year 2021, we all were eager to go back to living closer to normal life. However, we all have to wait to live that dream.

But what to do about the growing impatience? Well, gratitude can actually reduce impatience. The study published in Psychological Science observed that people who focused on being thankful showed more patience during panic situations.

Another study published in the Review of Communication found that exercising gratitude induces positivity in our minds and lives,impacting mental, emotional, and physical health.

This is a cue that gratitude is what we need to be helpful for others and hopeful to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Happiness and satisfaction

Whatever we say, do, buy, or achieve, our ultimate goal is being happy and satisfied. But think about it, any of these materialistic things, your position at work, home, or society, gives you that bliss and satisfaction from the inside?

Well, different people will have different perspectives on this, but one thing is for sure, gratitude can help you find the happiness you have been seeking and working your life towards. How do you ask? It shifts your focus on what you have rather than what you might be lacking in life.

But how does that make you feel happy? Well, some philosophers say that one can’t feel both thankful and unhappy at the same time. So when you are grateful, you feel joy. Moreover, when you start focusing on the present which reduces the anxiety and yearning for what the future might hold.

Nurturing relationships

Broken or disturbed relationships are another factor that has been stopping most of us from living a happy and content life. Gratitude can work on solving these troubles and help you improve your relationships.

A study performed at the University of New South Wales noticed when people become more appreciative of others, they perceive it as a positive cue to construct a relationship.

Another study by Portland State University found that when people receive more appreciation at work, they tend to perform well. Have you ever experienced this?

When your work or contribution was appreciated, it must have made you feel better and focus more on your work.

Gratitude is the virtue that can help you through the last miles of every pandemic of your life. Being thankful also makes you being present, and staying positive will help you live life and work for more with a positive attitude.

Also Read: How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle


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