What Foreigners Think About India?

Source: Studyinindia
Source: Studyinindia
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Have you ever known that a culture reflects our identity? It will tells who we are. The extremely culture of person or races give the first impression toward us before being familiar from heart to heart. I am honour to mention a culture of Jewish. The culture of Jewish basically are reading, simplify their problems and be creative and innovative in their daily life. As a result, the culture of Jewish inherits the impressionable of richness and successfully to others and public in the arena of global. Generally, their habit are exceptionally good. But, in this essay, I am more specific about the culture of Indian.

For your information, India located in South Asia. Although its area ranked as seventh-largest in the world, its population is the second-most country after Republic of China. In addition, it is a pluralistic and multi-ethnic society since India has a diversity of races. Even though in the coming 3rd millennium of 21st century, India is challenged by the socio-economic barriers such as gender inequality, child malnutrition, environment pollution and the gap between rich and poor society. Instead, due to the remarkable Indian culture which make India standouts, India is still the races that recognized by others. For personally, after I studied the culture of Indian, India has an unique and incredible culture that others cannot taken or replace it.

First and foremost,one of the Indian culture that I practiced  and adopted in my daily life is tolerance and non-violence. Due to their embrace and encounter of  compassion, tolerance and understanding, India are toward the progress of peace, harmony, prosperity and nation-building. As we all know, tolerance helps human to build a good relationship and help to achieve a better agreement. Instead our conversation, actions and behaviours sometimes make a conflict among society. While violence most of the tim not only harm our psychology and physical body, but also make the negotiate and gap of relationship become worse. That’s  why India is one of the countries catogised that has the distinction  of being tolerant and not resorting to any projectile and ammunition. They reject the voice of bigotry, extreme and intolerance.

With all the respect, Indian people have a courtesy and internationally acts peace in accordance with its culture. Indian more prefer to be humble and always lower their head. They never arrogant, despite act with their humanity and civilization as Indian’s symbolize.

Furthermore, Indian has their own secularism of cultural. Freedom of worship and practice of religion are their routine and frequent. For them, it is the manifestation of harmonious existence of diverse and various races and religious, despite India consists of several types of religious. To illustrate, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism are commonly known.

In the mankind’s history, India is a birthplace of some religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Over the span of centuries, Indian culture basically labeled as an amalgamation of several cultures. Indian is very famous at the spiritual training field. To illustrate, yoga practice helps to build and strengthen our soul and spirits. This could be explained why Indian able to build one of the seven wonder  building in the world, TajMahal. Until now, TajMahal is universally admired masterpieces of the world’s heritage.

After study and familiar with Indian culture, I found out that their achievement and surviving are not easy for the common person in the mischievous environment of India. The higher unemployment rate, due to the resources are scarce, causes the struggle to get the basics in daily. However, Indian are still determined and stronger with their cultural of optimism and motto of “Adopt and Overcome”. The best evidence is the majority of every household consist one doctor among their children. Under pressure of inadequate public services and infrastructure, crowded public transportation, lower wages and worst living standard, they still create a healthy competition to capture an opportunity to change their fate and life.

In conclusion, it is known to everyone, that the modern and digital world is complex, different and develop fast. The adolescent and enthusiasm of India always make sure everything has to be professional, to the very maximum. They always follow it closely. Even in the extreme situation and circumstance, they always give their best. That’s why I salute their culture.Their unique art of culture, plus their healthy and completely habits and behavious of culture. For me, I think we should take a note of their remarkable Indian culture. This great culture should be inherited from generation to next generation.


Writer Bio: TING HENG CHIEH, a 20 years old student from BatuPahat, Johor DarulTa’zim, Malaysia, is an outstanding participant of International Essay Contest,  December-2019.


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