What are the best fonts for essay?

By: Khushi Joshi

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Before internet people use to post their hand written essays or type writer drafted papers. Now days we use Microsoft office, PDF and Google doc and instead of posting essays we send it through email or a direct submission link. Even the medium is changed but what is still same is that judges give us extra points for our handwriting or typed fonts that we use. Your essay maybe well written with deep understanding and research but if it is not well edited then we cannot expect that judges are going to be impressed by your writing.

So the question arise what are the best fonts for presenting your essay to judging panel? However, before that we had to note down the reasons for which we choose some of the best fonts, is not only because that font makes our document attractive instead it is for making our writing easy to read for a reader. My personal favorite font is Edwardian Script (My name is Khushi Joshi) but I do not find it effective for drafting my ‘essay’ for competition. 

It is often recommended that while drafting either you type with Serif Fonts or Sans Serif Fonts cause they are formal and easy to read both in website and printed paper. Serif fonts has the origin of Latin Alphabets and it has stroke or line on bottom and upper part of alphabet, it is quite vintage style like times New Roman, Georgia, etc. On the other hand Sans Serif Fonts have no such strokes in alphabet like Calibri, Ariel, etc.

Now in this section, we will discuss about most effective Sans Serif & Serif Fonts that are widely recommended.

The first is Calibri, my favorite Sans Serif Font that I use widely for drafting essays because it allows an impact in tightly set lines and has wider spacing. The logo of Google is also Calibri and that was a hot topic when Google shifted its logo from Serif to San Serif Font. This font was first designed by Lucas de Groot between the years 2002 to 2004. Finally it was released in 2007 and then this font had replaced Times New Roman from MS Word as a default font and Arial from MS PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook and WordPad. This font is widely used for PowerPoint presentations’ word heading.

If you love something related to vintage, then Times New Roman will be your favorite. In my opinion it is the best serif font ever developed; it is the most popular serif font and installed in every computer and was default font in Microsoft Word before Calibri. The font was developed by Stanley Morison & Victor Lardent and was commissioned by ‘The Times’ in 1931. Times New Roman is basically used for newspaper as printed on paper makes it more beautiful and for book publishing. If you are supposed to submit printed project then this font will be the best way to present.

Have you ever notice, that most of the reports have Arial font, it is a neo-grotesque sans serif typeface released in the year of 1982 designed by Robin Nicholas and Patricia Saunders. This font is widely used for presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint, magazines and for displaying advertising and promotions in Newspapers.

In the year of 2004, Cambria an another type of serif font was created by Jelle Bosman, Steve Mattesonn and Robin Nicholas, mostly it was designed for enabling two advantages, one is easy on-screen reading and two is attractive letters when it is printed in small size but the letters are not supported with vintage features like Times New Roman. The font was commissioned by Microsoft Office and distributed by Windows in 2007.

Do you know what is sans serif font used by popular multinational food company Nestle, it is Helvetica font. It was created between 1950s to 1960s by Max Miedinger and Eduard Hoffmann. It is widely used for logo design as font has rectangular appearance and horizontal endings, companies like BMW, Skype, Lufthansa, Kawasaki and many more had used Helvetica for designing their logo. Unfortunately the font is not available in Microsoft, you have to download it.

Those were days when we were depended only on printed materials for obtaining information, but today we can easily access to any website for content. Do you know what the type of font that most websites use? Websites like Guardian, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal use? Well, it is Georgia font designed by Matthew Carter for Microsoft Corporation in 1933. The font is not only on-screen readable but it is also elegant when printed and it is also used for book publishing.

Above mentioned fonts are widely recommended for submitting your work. Use these fonts to impress your judges and teachers.

By: Khushi Joshi

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