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When was the last time you heard about a war? . You might probably say about the wars that enthralled the world some decades ago : world war 1 and world war 2. What is the most terrifying experience of war? Just imagine, you were wandering through the streets to buy some items, and suddenly, there occurred a blast nearby, or while going to school or any other place, some jets came and launched missiles. This is what the indication of war is.

What exactly causes a war? What are the ways to save ourselves during war? How it occurs? These questions might be pondering in your mind.

Let me clarify what wars are. Wars mean an unpredicted attack where a number of people die. Wars not only come without any invitation alike a storm, but it also carries way our near and dear ones forever. Then, the affected country fights back by forming alliance with its supportive countries. However, some wars, by usage nuclear bombs, are capable of finishing the existence of mankind, which are referred as world wars. Generally, the POLITICAL LEADERS OF THE WORLDare capable of beginning the world war because their country is capable of holding a war due to financial stability and higher availability of nuclear bombs, weapons, tanks. Also, they sometimes form alliance during the world war.

We don`t like wars, do we?  Numerous lives are lost in wars. No wealth, no peace and no lives is the perfect definition of wars, especially world wars !!


The terror of war is not a recent occurrence. Since ancient times, wars have occurred. To save one`s country from invasion, wars occurred. To extend one`s country, wars aroused. To gain wealth, wars happened. Also, to gain respect, wars happened like that of MAHABHARATA, during ancient times as per Hindu Mythology.No war has ever brought happiness, joy and wealth. What it brings is mere sadness, loss of life and more graveyards!

The earliest wars refer to around 14,000 years ago, in which, thousand of people died due to violence. Wars like MAHABHARATA, WORLD WAR 1, WORLD WAR 2 are in prominence in India and throughout the world. During the formative years of the 20th century, the widely known wars_ WORLD WAR 1 AND WORLD WAR 2_ occurred.In fact, many kings, warriors, commanders and common people think that war( a form of violence) will eventually bring peace at last. But, at last, there may be no one to keep one`s head on and cry.

Now moving on to the global leaders which may cause world war 3.Countries like CHINA, USA, RUSSIA, NORTH KOREA, are global super powers with many bombs, gun powder,tankers, flying jets, nuclear missiles and arms.

The world war 3 is most likely to be between CHINA and USA  for gaining the position of the TOP GLOBAL LEADER


The U.S. defense budget is fairly transparent and is at least in terms of total dollars. While the defence budget of the USA was around $714 billion in the 2020 fiscal year and is likely to increase to $733 billion in 2021. Somewhat misty, China’s defense spending is certainly smaller, with this defense budget set at 1.36 trillion yuan ($212.6 billion), a 6.8% increase from the previous year.


The B-41 hydrogen bomb, first deployed in September 1960, is the most powerful weapon ever created by the US.With a maximum yield of 25 megatons or equivalent to 25 million tons of TNT, it is also loaded with a lethality index roughly 4,000 times greater than Fat Man(bomb fallen on Hirosima and Nagasaki in JAPAN), and it’s also the most deadly nuclear bomb to destroy the country along with damaging the neighbouring countries.


The PLA is the world’s largest military force and constitutes the second largest defense budget in the world. In addition, it is also one of the fastest modernizing militaries in the world, and  ithas been termed as a potential military superpower.

China made remarkable progress in the 1960s in developing nuclear weapons, and it launched its first nuclear missile (October 25, 1966) and detonated its first hydrogen bomb (June 14, 1967).

War is the language of the violence, which can only bring loses to mankind. What we can do in case of war is to stay in our homes and believe on our soldiers. Help the poor and provide shelter. No one knows if we could get the chance to it afterwards. It`s destruction is unimaginable…that`s how it arises and flees!

Author Bio

Jagannath Pradhan is a creative writer at the same time he is an avid reader. He likes to note down his thoughts and write continuously on random topics to improve his writing skills. Moreover, fluency and accuracy are his weapons, which he uses while writing that indulges the readers to the fullest.


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