Top 5 strategies for hiring a Traffic Bot

Traffic Bot
Traffic Bot
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Technology is on a high rise in this era encompassing new invention to traffic bot for website. Now, we live in a society that runs after technology. In this advanced tech era, everything has a better prospect with the attachment of technology. From education to employment, everything has become much more virtual than it was before. Working spaces are flourishing at a light speed with the help of the internet.

But every new thing has both good and bad sides in the same coin. There has been enough progressive side of the internet and technology to make anything better within a short span. But, in an even shorter span, the negative sides of it can destroy years of effort. The expansion of the companies and the promotions of it become more frequent in digital media. So to drive traffic to website through Bot Company is a very important aspect for flourishing companies through the Internet. Here, in this article, we will discuss in detail the traffic bots and the pros of finding the best traffic Bot for company uprisal.

What is a Bot?

 A Bot traffic is a special task performing an application program. This technology is independent of human intervention. The performance of legitimate bots is very highly useful.

There are varieties of Bot programs present in the market, specified with different sets of programming. The chat Bot is there to answer all the FAQ of the consumers or visitors of the website who has queries. There is also a web crawling Bot that records the necessary content on the websites from the search engines.

Also, there are Bots with negative impromptu as well like the Spam Bots. These Bots save the user’s email addresses from the websites for credentials or information. Likewise, there is also a kind of Bot called Traffic Bot which is all about.

About the Traffic Bot:

A traffic Bot is a special application programming solely referring to web traffic. With the help of artificial means, it helps enhance the traffic metrics for any social media platform including websites. They also encourage the users to click on paid-ads links. As a result, it also contributes to the revenue increase for businesses that focus on the pay-for-click motif. Or it can also affect the advertising budget of a competitive company. It artificially creates traffic on the website to increase the popularity of the sites.

Identifying Traffic Bots:

There are five authentic ways to identify a traffic Bot. These are-

  1. IP Addresses: same IP address making similar requests frequently is likely to be a traffic Bot.
  2. User-Agent Strings: identifying the same user-agent string requests several times within a short time can be a traffic Bot.
  3. Page Requests: An unusually high number of requests from the same page or a set of pages would likely be a traffic Bot.
  4. Form Submissions: in the case of form fill-up and submissions, if there is repetitive decline with a message of incomplete information, there is a high chance that a traffic Bot is spamming your content.
  5. Page Loading Time: if the searched page takes lesser than the usual time of normal loading time, it means the traffic Bot is on its job.

5 things to look for when hiring a Traffic Bot:

Here is a list of 5 things to look for while hiring a Traffic Bot that boost the online traffic of your website.

  1. Offering Free Trial: Opting for a good Bot company needs to have a convincing reputation. All of the traffic Bot companies try to convince their consumers that they are the best. But the best way to do that is to provide a free trial service. Such a free trial service provides a perfect preview experience. A responsible and reputed traffic Bot company has no issues letting the user have an experience of their service, free of cost. If you cannot avail of a free trial, you better think twice before signing up and paying your valuable money.
  2. Safety from AdSense: One of the most efficient ways to enhance the traffic on your website is through click-and-pay ads. So, it is better to make sure that your traffic Bot Company does not interfere with any of the ad services on your site. If the traffic Bot violates any rules of AdSense by not clicking on the ads, it will get your account barred. The applied program should always obey and respect your AdSense account by abiding by the rules.
  3. Improving the Google Rank: The main purpose of the traffic Bot is to enhance many things. It drives traffic to website traffic along with the bounce rate. Also, it improves the session time and the return rates. Overall, it contributes to the betterment of the company’s analytical statistics as well. But since Google’s algorithm is impossible to predict, no company can assure you a fixed Google ranking. If there is a traffic Bot Company that promises you an assured first rank, it is for certain spam. So, it is best to think twice before signing up for any Traffic Bot company that provides you with ‘too-good-to-be-true’ promises.
  4. Improving the Bounce Rate: Google Rank is dependent on many factors of which bounce rate is a very important one. With the enhancing bounce rate and return rates of traffic, the traffic Bots help to improve the Google ranking of the respected company. The enhanced automated traffic on your company website increases your Google ranking. So the traffic Bot must be capable of generating improvement in all required areas. Each element plays an integral role in the website’s growth.
  5. The capability of Geo-Target: Geo-targeting includes the improvement of the ranking of the company within the local geographical territory. So, before the Google rank improvement, the better geo-target will impact the improvement of the Global Google ranking. The traffic Bot Company must be capable enough to boost the Geo-target. Only then the progress in the Google ranking will initiate. If your Traffic Bot Company isn’t being able to do this, you better reconsider your choice.


For quick and calculative improvement, there is always a technology working sternly behind everything. For the racing popularity of the companies, there is a huge contribution of the Traffic Bot Companies as well. From local artisanal craft to global brands- the journey becomes even smoother with the help of the traffic Bolts.         

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