Top 5 Apps for Productive Downtime

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These days it can feel like you have hardly any time free to yourself; and at the end of the day you might not have much energy to do something productive. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to make the most out of the little chunks of time during the day – such as your daily commute, the time between meetings, or a quick coffee break. We’ve spoken to some people with rather stressful jobs, those who we would call Azure Experts or high-pressure situations that take a lot of headspace to get through. Rather than spending your precious free time on social media, you could be using that same phone to do something constructive.

Below is a list of great apps that offer huge benefits:


If you are looking for a way to train your brain and track your progress, the Lumosity is a great app to use if you have 10 – 15 minutes free. When you first use Lumosity, you will take a fit test – which calibrates 3 main areas of your brain function: Flexibility, Memory, and Attention – once you finish the fit test, you will get a score for each one, which you can work to improve by playing different brain training games (there are hundreds of games available with the free version.) There has been an increase in tech firm using Lumosity – there have been IT Support Central London Solutions that take this into consideration when suggesting tech that their clients should use. One of the best ways that IT Support Companies can help their customers is to make working easier and less stressful.

With the Premium version, you can also test and train your Cognitive speed, as well as train your Language and Maths skills; and you can compare your score and progress with other members.


Probably everyone knows about Duolingo, but it truly is one of the best ways to kill 5 minutes of time – much more beneficial than a mobile game.

If you are unaware, Duolingo allows you to take courses in up to 40 languages. It is designed to be fun and encourage you to take classes and unlocking new levels, and going up to the next league (starting with Bronze, and going all the way up to Diamond.)

Learning a new language can begin at any age, and it is one of the best things you can do to keep your brain healthy and strong. Duolingo will help you get a grip with new languages, and can even make you capable of navigating a foreign country with your language skills.


These days, children are being taught how to code in school – it is undeniably a very useful skill in the technology era. If you are a bit older, the best way to get started with coding is with Grasshopper. It will start you off with Fundamentals I & II, and then you will get into Arrays and Animations. Coding is not only a useful skill to have, it is also excellent at developing your problem solving skills – therefore it is doubly productive to spend some free time on Grasshopper.


Are you interested in developing your Maths skills? Or perhaps you want to improve your Scientific Thinking, Logic, or Problem Solving skills? Maybe you’re just interested in learning about a new Field of Science. With Brilliant, you get access to loads of free courses on Mathematics and Science – whether you’re interested as a hobby, or want to further your education. It’s a great way to spend your free time, and if you get really serious, you can upgrade to the premium membership for even more advanced courses.

It is one of the oldest boardgames in the world, and thanks to a certain Netflix show, it has enjoyed a vast new popularity. There is so much to explore with Chess – it involves planning, strategy, logical thinking, and plenty of creativity. With the app, you can play games at different levels of difficulty, and you can even practice the different areas of your game. Learning to play chess can help you in different areas of your life, and help you think more deeply about things – and with this app it’s easy to fit a game into your busy schedule.

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