The Top Tips To Help You Have Stronger Ankles & Joints In Thailand

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As we get older, ankle injuries become an ongoing concern and when we are out and about either doing exercise or just going for a long walk, we want to know that our ankles are strong enough to support us along the way. Our ankles are quite vulnerable and it is quite easy to sprain your ankles with very little effort on your part. It is something that can put you off your feet for an extended period of time and this means that you can’t go to work or you can’t just go about your daily business. Ideally, we should be doing something every single day to help us have stronger ankles and joints.

The good news however is that if you do hurt your ankles that there is ankle physical therapy available to you from qualified professionals who can get you back on your feet in a very short space of time. This is just one way to address your ankle issues and the following are some other top tips that will help you to have stronger ankles and joints here in Thailand.

  • Be sure to stretch – In order to have stronger ankles, you need to pay attention to all of your legs including your knees and your muscles. It is a good idea to take time once a day to lie down on your back and do some flexing and stretching to strengthen your leg muscles. The secret is getting stronger muscles so that your joints can function better and this reduces your chances of suffering an ankle sprain.
  • Practice the full range of motion – It only takes a few moments every single day to mobilise your ankles and move them around in such a way that the full range of motion is experienced. One excellent suggestion on doing this is to actually imagine the letters of the alphabet and then use your feet to write them. This will give your ankles a very good workout which should lead to more strength.
  • Work on your balance – One way to do this is to practice calf raises along with your shins and this will allow you to shift the weight of your toes by lifting your heels upwards. The important thing is to make sure that you don’t let your ankles roll in an upward direction and this should help to reduce any risks of injuries.
  • Always be prepared – If you are the type of person who likes to exercise every day then this can put quite a little bit of strain on your muscles and your joints. It is important therefore to make sure that you warm up properly and so be sure to stretch and rotate your ankles before you go for that long walk or that even longer run.

If you follow the above four pieces of advice then you should be able to retain strong ankles and strengthen the other joints in your body.

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