The Silly Ways How Tourists Slip and Hurt Themselves in Vegas

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Las Vegas is known for its bright lights, busy casinos, and lively entertainment, which attracts millions of tourists every year. While the majority of visitors are coming here for fun, many find themselves in accidents that may lead to serious injury. In the hustle and bustle on the Strip, it can be easy to overlook hazards leading to slips and falls.

If you sustain an injury due to such an incident, speaking with experienced Las Vegas slip and fall accident lawyers can help determine your next course of action.

Here are some silly but common ways tourists hurt themselves in Las Vegas.

1. Tripping Over Curb Edges

The streets are pulsating with action, and tourists cannot but dash from one attraction point to another. It’s easy to miss an uneven curb edge or crack in the sidewalk, and before one realizes it, an unfortunate tripping incident can occur, with a sprained ankle or bruise as a result. These are usually minor hazards that lead to such injuries, especially when pedestrians are in wonder and awe at what surrounds them.

2. Slipping on Wet Surfaces

Las Vegas is renowned for having some of the most opulent pools and water parks. Tourists might rush out of a pool area or a water ride, forgetting how the tile or concrete could be slick. This may all of a sudden cause embarrassing falls that usually result in painful injuries requiring medical intervention.

3. Stumbling in High Heels

Las Vegas nightlife usually calls for dressing to impress, and many women enjoy wearing high heels. However, the uneven surfaces, long walks between sights, and stairs add up to a surefire recipe for disaster. Tourists on heels could easily get themselves stumbling or falling and subsequently sustaining sprained ankles or other injuries.

4. Falling While Taking Selfies

In the age of social media, capturing the perfect selfie is a must for many tourists. However, trying to take pictures near the edge of a fountain, on a balcony, or while walking backward can lead to falls. Tourists can easily lose their balance or overlook hazards, resulting in falls that can cause injuries ranging from minor scrapes to more serious issues.

5. Ignoring Warning Signs

Many areas in Las Vegas, such as construction zones or areas with wet floors, have clear warning signs. Tourists may overlook these signs while focused on their surroundings or phones, leading them into potentially dangerous situations. Ignoring these warnings can result in slips, trips, or falls, leading to injuries that could have been easily avoided.

6. Getting Distracted by Street Performers

Las Vegas is famous for its street performers, and it’s not uncommon for tourists to become distracted while watching a show. In their eagerness to get closer, they may not pay attention to their surroundings, leading to falls or collisions with other pedestrians. This distraction can easily result in minor injuries that can put a damper on a fun day.

7. Not Paying Attention While Drinking

The party atmosphere in Las Vegas often involves a lot of drinking, which can impair judgment and coordination. Tourists who are not mindful of their surroundings may stumble into obstacles, trip over furniture in bars or clubs, or even lose their footing on stairs. Alcohol-related slips and falls are common, often leading to injuries that require medical attention.

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