The Reasons Behind The Popularity Of Sir Walter Buffalo Grass

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Of the many lawn turf grasses available in Australia, Sir Walter Buffalo grass stands out as a prime choice for home and commercial lawns. While most buffalo grasses offer good qualities, Sir Walter is considered a premium, elite variety. As per experts like Sydney Lawn And Turf, Its reputation for resilience, lushness and ease of care make it a top seller. If you’re looking to establish a new lawn or replace your existing turf, understanding why Sir Walter Buffalo commands such popularity can help determine if it’s the right fit for your needs. Let’s explore what sets this grass apart.

Hard Wearing Durability

Sir Walter was bred specifically to produce buffalo grass with exceptional hard wearing capabilities. It holds up beautifully under high traffic from kids and pets thanks to an extensive root system and thickly tufted growth habit. The leaves form a dense, soft mat. The turf retains its health and appearance under regular foot traffic far better than other varieties. Sir Walter’s outstanding wear tolerance makes it ideal for family spaces.

Lush Green Looks

In ideal growing conditions, Sir Walter Buffalo delivers a lush, verdant green lawn with finely textured leaves. It maintains a rich color even in winter. The dense growth resists weed invasion by shading out the soil to prevent weed seeds from germinating. Sir Walter offers a uniform, premium appearance perfect for visible front lawns that make an impressive curbside statement about a home.

Low Maintenance Needs

While no turf is сomрletely no-mаintenаnсe, Sir Wаlter рossesses multiрle trаits thаt mаke it аmong the lowest mаintenаnсe buffаlo grаsses аvаilаble. It ԁoes well with less frequent mowing аnԁ tolerаtes slightly vаrieԁ wаtering. Onсe estаblisheԁ, Sir Wаlter only neeԁs fertilizing а сouрle times а уеаr. It generаlly stаys greener in winter thаn other vаrieties, without requiring overseeԁing. Overаll, less time аnԁ effort is neeԁeԁ to keeр Sir Wаlter looking tiр-toр. 

Shаԁe Tolerаnсe 

Unlike sun-loving grаsses like а сouсh, Sir Wаlter рerforms аԁmirаbly even in раrtiаlly shаԁeԁ loсаtions. Its аbility to flourish ԁesрite limiteԁ sunlight mаkes it versаtile for рroрerties with mаture trees or сovereԁ аreаs. Dаррleԁ shаԁe or а few hours of sun ԁаily sаtisfies its light neeԁs. Shаԁe tolerаnсe сouрleԁ with ԁensity gives Sir Wаlter the аԁvаntаge over weeԁs. It thrives where weаker grаsses struggle.

Drought Resistance Genetics

Sir Walter derives drought resistance from its parent grass species found growing along Australia’s arid rivers. The turf inherits the ability to withstand periods of water scarcity once established while going dormant. While regular watering is still preferred, the grass recovers well from temporary droughts, unlike varieties that brown off and die. The roots dig deep to access subsurface moisture.

Salt Tolerance

Proximity to oceans and the use of recycled wastewater for irrigation exposes lawns to salty conditions. Sir Walter was selected for superior salt tolerance compared to other Buffalo grasses and can handle exposure well. Salty soils or water won’t burn the grass or cause die-back like it would with many competing salt-sensitive varieties.

Australian Bred Reliability

Sir Walter being bred in Australia to suit Australian climates and soils gives it a leg up on adapting successfully to our landscapes. It was initially released after 20 years of research and field testing by the University of Queensland. You can feel confident Sir Walter will perform admirably through the range of conditions found across the regions of Australia. It was bred for local success.


When evaluating turf options for a new or refurbished lawn, Sir Walter Buffalo’s combination of resilience, lush beauty, and ease of upkeep explain its distinction as a premium turf choice. Its longevity and reliability have made it a trusted, celebrated grass for good reason. For many homeowners, Sir Walter delivers an ideal lawn.

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